
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

To Find A Dentist

Finally, the long-awaited for "Goblet Of Fire" is having sneak previews tomorrow. I was trying to find someone to go with me to watch, but they are all busy, already watching with others or not interested in that type of show. Besides, the cinemas seem to be almost fully booked through the weekend. Looks like I have to wait until next week then.

Anyway I have decided to watch the exorcism movie after all, since my friends gave me very good reviews and kept telling me it is a show I would like since it is more intense drama than horror. Perhaps I will catch that this week. Besides, someone I am supposed to meet later on in the week did mention something about watching the show too.

I cannot procrastinate going to the dentist anymore. I have not been to the dentist for more than two years. I have never been going to the dentist regularly in the first place. I took for granted the free dental treatment in school, then when I left school, I stopped going as there was no more free treatment. Only after I entered the education service that I started going again due to dental claims of 50% – after a hiatus of five years or so. Besides, my gums were getting more and more sensitive.

The last time I went to the dentist was September 2003, when I went for a major scaling and polishing job. Ever since then, I have not gone as all the other companies I worked in did not offer dental subsidies, thus I was reluctant to fork out so much at one go. Furthermore I do not like the dentist I saw as my gums ached for a week after the treatment.

Recently, I discovered that some polyclinics do offer dental treatments as well, as told to me by a foreign friend. Shame on me, my foreign friends are even more “Singaporean” than me! I never knew polyclinics offer dental treatments so all along I have gone to private clinics. No wonder I always had to pay so much for dental work. And the polyclinic dental treatments cost only a fraction of what I paid for other dentists!

I have to call for an appointment and need to go soon as I feel the sensitivity back in my gums. Not only that, lately I noticed my gums have started to bleed a little. Wonder if that is due to my toothbrush or something more serious? But the bleeding continues even after I changed my toothbrush. Can it be tooth decay? But I do not feel any pain, only numbness and itchiness when the sensitivity crops up. Hope I do not get plague!

I just called the polyclinic I always go to for my medical treatment, and the dental appointments are fully booked until late January! Do people have to call up half a year in advance? The lady who answered the phone asked if I wanted to make an appointment, but I do not even know if I can make it at that point in time even if I make an appointment now.

I asked her what about people who needed the see the dentist rather urgently? She said no priority would be given, so just have to wait or go to another dentist. She sounded so exasperated when she said that. Is she trying to drive away a customer? Our local service providers really seem to be getting worse and worse.

I called other polyclinics near my area that offer dental treatment, but it was so hard to get hold of anyone. When I finally got through, the answer was the same – appointments all booked until next year. @#%(@$^^&*!! Looks like I have to go back to a private dental clinic again. At least I can get appointments faster, although I will be S$100.00 poorer. Anyone got any good ones to recommend?


Diana said...

I', really sorry for you but is really important to take care of our beautiful and gorgeous body including this area. You have a grat blog. Saludos.

Ole' Wolvie said...

I know I know!

Lemme see... I went to this branch at Clementi and the charge was only $50 for a check up and cleaning + some gargle medicine. (I am not sure what is this thing they call scaling and polishing

But it seems that price might be different across branches and the service too. So far I am happy with the one I had.

shakespeareheroine said...

Diana : Thanks!

Ole Wolvie : THanks for the link. Just checked out the website, quite a number of clinics around. YOu stay around Clementi? I might have seen you around without knowing.

Ole' Wolvie said...


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