
Monday, November 7, 2005

Feeling On Top Of The World

Someone was remarking how I am keeping myself busy by going on different dates. In the first place, I will not even consider them as "dates" because they are just casual meet-ups and outings with friends. In the second place, it is not like anything happened between us. With which this someone remarked that if I wanted something to happen, I should have gone out with him. He would show me a good time and we could romp around as long as I liked.

Excuse me?! Does everything I say mean something sexual? This shallow person cannot believe that I had been in relationships before and have so many guy friends yet have never done anything further. Does he think all men are as desperate and a "coloured wolf" who cannot control their hormones like him?! This is one reason why I am losing faith in local guys.

My third ex called me last night. He normally calls to ask for favours, but surprisingly he called last night just to find out how I am doing as he had not heard from me for a week. Well, when I wanted to talk to him he was always busy, and now when I stop initiating conversation he wonders why I am not talking to him. Humans are just so funny.

Anyway I have not been talking to a lot of people lately as I have been busy with work, going out with friends, other activities, and doing my own research on the different types of Native Americans and their origins. It is amazing what you can find out about ancestry. To trace back, everyone in the world will be somehow related in some way.

I told my ex that I have also not talked to a certain someone for about two weeks now (which he said is so unlike me), as I do not bother initiating conversation even when I see him online now, but he also does not seem to bother even if I do not talk to him (which my ex said is so like him). Oh well, it does not matter. I rather spend my time on others who are more willing to respond to me.

I had the best Japanese food today in ages! It was fresh raw sashimi served authentic Japanese style (not the type you find on the Sakae Sushi conveyor belt), soup served in the little Japanese teapot poured into little Japanese teacups to drink from, and steamboat out of paper-thin aluminium foils which for some reason did not have a single burnt mark despite the strong fire. There were lots of fresh raw salmon, sword fish, and the cooked dishes consisted of mackerel, more salmon, roast chicken, agedeshi tofu, chiawamushi (that egg dish, wonder if I got the spelling right), fish soup, miso, California rolls (the Japanese version of a taco, wrapped in seaweed), lots and lots of tempura and fish roe. There were even raw chilled celery and carrot sticks dipped in ice! A real gourmet feast!

My family will be going away after all, to Tasmania, together with some of our other relatives. What a bad timing that I am not able to go. I would so love to go to Tasmania, to enjoy the cool breeze, the laid-back life, really a place where one can sit back and relax, not to mention the beautiful scenery, fresh fruit and vegetables. Oh well..... I can always go by myself or with my friends or with my loved one next time.

I am feeling on top of the world right now. I cannot remember when it was I felt this happy. I have never been this happy even when I was in relationships, which probably tells me a lot of how my relationships were like. I find that I have been missing out on a lot of things in the past as I was too busy catering to other people's schedules. Now that I am single I can do anything I like at anytime I like without being accountable to anyone else. But I still believe once I am in a relationship with the right person, I will be even happier. Till then, let me always be feeling on top of the world!


Anonymous_X said...

I am feeling on top of the world right now. I cannot remember when it was I felt this happy.

Evidently you're not reading your own article, huh? It's not a distant echo of your 31.10.05 post about how you felt not-so-straight. :>

Ole' Wolvie said...

Selective amnesia.

And it is 'Chawanmushi', or 'Cyawanmushi' for the traditionalists :P


shakespeareheroine said...

Anon_X : Erh... I feel happier this week than last week, and it felt like such a long time (although it's only a week), thus the "selective amnesia".

Ole Wolvie : Ah thanks, now I got the word right. Always trust a Jap expert!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....u must have been at Ikoi Japanese Restaurant. The soup were served to fill your stomach so that you won't order any more.

shakespeareheroine said...

I didn't catch the name of the restaurant cos it's written in Japanese and I can't read Japanese. :-p Will check out this Ikoi Restaurant and see if it's the same one.

Anonymous said...

Selective amnesia? More like bipolar disorder.

stay said...

Dear anonymous, if you want to critique a blogger or any other person's writing, at least have the decency and/or courtesy of leaving your name behind. Thank you.

shakespeareheroine said...

Anon : I know I do have extreme mood swings at times, but it is not so serious as to warrant a bipolar disorder.

Stay : It's ok. Eveyrone's entitled to their own opinoins - freedom of speech. But thanks for speaking up!

Anonymous_X said...

yo Stay (that's a unique name you have, btw), I'm all into this knight-in-shining-armour kind of stuff, but in this particular situation it would be better if the blogger (hi there) speaks up for herself.

Yes, unless the other Anon is a qualified professional to give the assessment, I will disagree that it is a symptom of bipolar disorder.

I do advise, though, that the blogger re-read her own past articles to further appreciate how good life has been.

PS. ah, and no name is left behind coz the blogger already knows my identity (for a price of lending me a book <-- Ehm, a gentle reminder). ;>

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