
Thursday, November 10, 2005

You Know You Had A Tough Week When ....

1. You fell asleep immediately after your shower and woke up the next morning to realise you actually slept with your lenses on. (Dry and irritated eyes.)

2. You went to brush your teeth in the morning only to find out you went to sleep without removing your makeup. (NOOOOOO..... I do not want any breakouts! Oh no, does this mean I did not even brush my teeth and wash my face before sleeping?! Arrrgh! I feel so dirty......)

3. You hit the snooze button of the alarm ..... and fell right back to sleep until your mum had to rap on your door to wake you up because you were running late for work.

4. You went out of the house without taking your bag and realised that only at the bus-stop as you could not find your card to take the bus.

5. You were really running late as you went back to take your bag and decided to hitch a cab..... only to give the driver the destination of your former work place.

6. You managed to reach your office on time, then wondered why your computer was off and for the life of you could not remember what it was you were supposed to do for the day.

7. You took a bathroom break and ended up in the men's room, then wondered why the bathroom looked so different, and did not realise you went into the wrong one until the end! (Luckily no one came in throughout. Whew!)

It is a sign I am having a very busy week with too much work. Oh, why must my boss go off on his business trip and leave me to fend for myself?


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