
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Wardrobe Blues ....

I wonder how guys manage it. The staple in a guy’s wardrobe (I am generalising here) is mostly a few shirts of black, blue, red, grey and perhaps cream, and a few pairs of trousers for work, some T-shirts ranging from brand new to old and worn out, several pairs of socks (dark ones for work and lighter ones for leisure), jeans, bermuda shorts, some ties, singlets or sweat suits for sports and just a couple or so of work jackets. All these can be squeezed into one wardrobe with still some space to spare. Not to mention the few pairs of shoes (including black shoes for work, sneakers, sandals and canvas shoes.)

We girls, on the other hand, have to forever find space in our wardrobes to cater to our ever-increasing amount of clothing. I used to be able to squeeze all my clothes into one wardrobe (that was more than a decade ago when I was still schooling and I had to wear a uniform most of the day). Since I started working and socialising, my clothes have increased as now I need to separate between work wear, leisure wear, date wear, dinner wear and party wear. Shoes are also separated into work heels, casual work mules, sandals, casual thongs, party strappy heels, party boots, sneakers and wedgies.

As a result, I had to spill some work tops and bottoms into my side cupboard from my main cupboard. It was no easy feat considering my side cupboard is where I keep my hair accessories, scarves, shawls, hats, bags, makeup kits and belts. Now, even my side cupboard is full, and whatever extras that cannot be fit on the hangers of both cupboards are folded up and squeezed into the bottom drawer where I keep my jewellery.

I tried to ask my mum for a bigger or extra wardrobe, but she told me to get rid of some of my clothes. I just threw out some clothes a few weeks back. She complained I have too many clothes. She is one to say, considering she has three wardrobes full of clothes – one for all her executive suits, one for her dresses, tops and bottoms, and one for casual wear. I only have one (okay one and half) wardrobe of clothes and she says I have too many. *nonplussed*

From what used to be a normal dress, T-shirt, jeans and casual skirt wardrobe has evolved into a wardrobe(s) containing executive suits, blouses, knit tops, skirts, pants, dresses and jackets for work, T-shirts (some of which have lasted me for more than ten years and still wearable), evening gowns, jeans and casual tops and bottoms.

As a result, I always have trouble deciding what to wear every morning before going to work or going out. For work I need something that is professional enough yet at the same time not too conservative or inappropriate. When I go out, it depends on who I meet, but even then I wear whatever the occasion calls for. Mostly I have to decide on something that is casual but not too dowdy.

How do guys decide what to wear for the day? Girls have to go through like a million and one decisions before they finally decide what to wear for the day or occasion. Those guys I have been in close proximity with mostly just decide before they go out and throw on whatever they can find. How do guys know what to wear without going through much thought? And some girls will also wonder how do guys manage to survive with the few articles of clothing they have?

Even for travelling, I had to decide what to pack a few days before the trip, then change my mind several times before the final decision the night before the trip. My dad and brothers can just throw in whatever they lay their hands on the night before and leave it as that. Seriously, how do you guys manage it? I really wish I can be just as efficient.


sen said...

well... for me, i just make sure that the shirt is recycled. So whatever few clothes on the top of the stack is the likely choice..

Pity girls to go through million choices =P

ThamPs said...

I don't. I just wear whatever has been washed and ironed. And like Sen, clothes that are visible usually at the top of the stack

But i do have the same problem as more space for new clothes but I don't really know how to stop buying new stuff :P

Ole' Wolvie said...

Thamps: giving me all your money for financial control should help :P

My "which clothes to wear" decision workflow:

1. Is it clean?
2. Is it crumpled (badly)?
3. Did I wear this color 1-2 days back?

If the answer is NO to all three, I just wear it. No fuss.

shakespeareheroine said...

Sen : Erh, in that case, won't you keep wearing the same few clothes and don't touch those lower on in the pile?

Thamps : Same comment as Sen above. But I know what you mean, I can't stop buying also! See something nice I'm very tempted to buy already! Just a girl's nature.

Ole Wolvie : Good way to come to a decision. But what happens if one day all your clothes are either not clean, all crumpled, or happened to be of the same colour?

sen said...

Shakespeareheroine: No, because every clean clothes, I store it a the lowest stack of the clothes, and whenever I take out the clothes, I take out the top one, so there is a cycle there you see =)

Ole' Wolvie said...

Just wear what's available.

First the same color.
Then the crumpled one.
Unclean one, well, I'll open up my 'spare' new shirt to wear while everything goes into the laundry.

Very practical

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