
Monday, November 21, 2005

Exorcism ....

My CPU has been towed away for a thorough scan, which explains my sudden “disappearance” for the weekend. The most major problem was SOMEONE spilt water into the keyboard (my new keyboard!), thus the abnormal behaviour. The repair guy was supposed to get my CPU back last night but he could not make it on time, so can only deliver tonight (hopefully).

I had a real enjoyable Saturday. I met up with a new friend, who happens to be a real sweet and nice guy, and we went to watch the exorcism show, had delicious Indonesian food for dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria (“the chicken that is squashed happily” or “the happy depressed chicken”), walked the entire stretch of Orchard, sat down for drinks and talked all the way. I really had a very good time, thanks so much for keeping me company almost the entire day and listening to all my ramblings! ;-D

The show is not as scary as I thought though. It was an intense courtroom drama. I was captivated by the way the two lawyers argued their cases and tried to veer the jury towards their point of views. The movie is based on a true story and that became a landmark case where the accused was found guilty yet allowed to go free.

But the show brought up some rather interesting points. Does the devil exists? Why were the few reported cases of possession happened to those who were so staunch in their faith? Perhaps, like what my friend mentioned (hope I am not misquoting you), most of us already have “demons” of our own due to the way we lead our lives, so those demons would rather possess those stronger in their faith and lead more holy lives. Maybe those demons find it a challenge to sway someone who is staunch and holy. It is like human’s nature of desire – the more difficult to get, the more one yearns for it.

I hope I will never witness a real possession and exorcism case. That will be too much for me to stomach and I do not think I will ever be the same after that.


blithering moron said...

water on the keyboard is pretty scary. i've been lucky and never had it happen (yet)

shakespeareheroine said...

Yes, it's pretty scary indeed. I hope this never happen again.

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