
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Chauvinism Vs Feminism

Some companies are efficient indeed. As part of the compensation, my Human Resource department forwarded my resume to some of the employment agencies today, and already I got three interviews scheduled for the week. My friend commented that I am lucky to be able to find jobs so fast, but I seem to get out of jobs even faster.

Apparently in this day and age, there are still chauvinistic guys around, whom we girls (and even some guys) will label as "MCPs" (Male Chauvinist Pig). These are the type of guys whose egos are bigger than the universe, will never cry nor be embarrassed in front of people, order their women around and expect her to do their biddings all the time.

These guys are normally sole bread winners as they are of the opinion that a woman's place is at home, so women should not work. Of course there are some of the other extreme - the guys bum around at home while their wives bring in the bacon, yet still expect the wives to take care of the children and do the housework. To choose between two evils, I will choose the lesser of them, ie the former.

My best friend told me that a former colleague of hers happened to be in the second situation. Her husband got retrenched, so ended up staying at home with nothing to do, except yelling at the maid and the children. In the end, the maid quitted, and to save finances, they decided not to hire another one. As a result, my friend's ex-colleague had to put in overtime at the office so she could bring in more money, yet when she got home, she had to do housework and supervise the children in their schoolwork despite being dead tired, and her husband stayed home the whole day not lifting a finger to do anything.

The last straw came when her husband called her from work and asked her to hurry home as their younger child was sick. She snapped at him there and then and left with the children to her mother's place. Served the guy right actually, not to treasure a good thing. Which other wife will be willing to do that?

I guess the opposite of chauvinism will be feminism, or what is termed as "WCP" (Woman's Chauvinist Pig). These are the women who are forever fighting for equal women's rights, speak up against any sexual discrimination, and want to do everything a man can do. Needless to say, these are the women that are normally unmarried as they think they do not need a family or a companion to grow old with, since they think themselves as superior and can live without a man.

I have friends who are die-hard feminists, thus they are always so horrified at my traditionalist views even in this day and age. Why not? I like a wholesome family life, and also like it if my guy pampers me, and is chivalrous and gentlemanly and romantic. All these things will make my heart aflutter. I shall remain silent regarding feminism since I definitely cannot consider myself as one.

But I always think that to bring about natural ecological balance, men and women co-exist for a purpose - to mate and raise younger generations. All animals understand this and so they always go around mating. I am not saying that that is our main function in life or that we have to behave like animals, but in the first place, it is humans that complicate things by their concept of free love and casual sex without any strings attached. Sometimes I wish I was back in those days where life was simpler, and people live to find a right partner they can share their lives with.


Anti Misandry said...

A nice entry.

I'm glad that you can see feminism for what it is. So many are lured into the false ideology and seem to get a kick out of man-bashing.
I honestly fail to see how feminism has anything to do with equality in this day and age. What has insulting men, calling them 'all' useless and treating them as expendable second class citizens got to do with equality? Nothing.

It is now feminism that has become expendible.

shakespeareheroine said...

Actually it's just my own observations of how feminists behave. I may not have made a real good observation though, but thanks for your comment anyway!

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