Friday, May 30, 2008
Korean Fashion

Getting Out Of Being Domestically Handicapped
I know how to do the basic housework, but at times, I need some guidance in case I screw up. She was the one who first taught me how to iron, how to operate the washing machine (that was many years back when we were still studying), and how to scrub the tiles of the bathroom. Now I am still calling her on the proper procedure to ensure the floors are spic and span with no trace of dust.
Yes, I admit I am rather domestically handicapped. It is just like Sissy Song calling Lee Mui Ee on how to boil water and how to cook an egg (I have never done that though, as in call to ask about this, because I know how to boil water and cook an egg pretty well), and Mui Ee will patiently guide through the steps with Sissy. But in real life, we bear absolutely no resemblance to the characters, be it in looks or personalities!
But I am learning. Ten years back (or a little more than that), I was not even able to fold clothes, or do the laundry, or make my bed, or sweep the floor. Moving to the university hostel did me some good, somewhat. I had to sweep the floor on my own, do my own laundry (although sometimes I still accumulate the laundry and bring them home to wash), make my own bed, and do my own cooking and cleaning.
I am not exactly a neat freak or cleanliness freak, but then, if you stay in a room for like half a year or so, it is your own responsibility to keep it neat and tidy. So if I cannot even clean up my own room, then how am I going to keep a house and home neat and tidy, warm and loving in the future?
Through the years, I started learning more things, like how to hand wash clothes, ironing, mopping and scrubbing the floors, cleaning the windows, cooking (which I really enjoy, almost as much as baking!) and keeping the place spic and span. But I also realise one thing, those women who work and survive without a maid are really great! I already find it quite a struggle having to work and doing housework at the same time!
But when things have to be done, no matter what one still has to do it. One has to make time for it. Just like last night, when I reached home after the show, I had to mop the floor and clean the bathrooms, before I could shower and sleep. Yes, I had to mop the floor and clean the bathrooms past midnight. Which crazy person would do that at that hour? I could have just done it this morning, but I was not that confident I could wake up early enough, so I thought it would be better to just get it over and done with, otherwise if I drag it on, it would never get done.
So I cleaned the upper level of the house late in the night. It did not take me that long though, only about fifteen minutes or so. And I felt more comfortable after that, because the floors were no longer dusty or sticky! I think I really have to start training myself to do more housework from now on. It really is a good feeling to be able to keep your house clean!
Carried Away ....
My favourite program back in my primary school days was "Sesame Street", like just any kid around the world. Those puppets were really cute and endearing! Who can forget Oscar, Cookie Monster, Elmo (my personal favourite), Big Bird and that elephant (whom I can never remember the name), not to mention that tomato and banana who were staying together.
Then more American shows started coming. There was "Party of Five", "Dharma and Greg", "Mad About You", "Dawson's Creek", but I was not that interested in these shows. The ones my classmates were raving about were "Twin Peaks", "Northern Exposure", "Melrose Place", "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", "Beverly Hills 90210" and the most famous cartoon series of all time, "The Simpsons".
90210 was the hottest craze then. It spawned a series of clothing line and books. I felt left out whenever my classmates were talking about the show, so I sneaked a peek whenever I could. I started liking that show too, because I was envious over why school students in America could have so much freedom whereas I felt like a prisoner then. I had my classmate tape for me whenever she watched the show. And I read all the books in the series.
Later, I had more chances of watching television, because I could always go over to my ex's place to watch. He and I liked the same kind of shows, so he would always tape "The X-Files", "ER" and "Ally McBeal", then we would just hang out at his place, snacking and watching the tapes at the same time.
After that in my adulthood, there was a period of time when reality TV was the craze. So I tried to catch every season of Amazing Race and American Idol whenever I could. Not to mention "Charmed". In recent years, there are "Desperate Housewives" and "Heroes", which I never had the chance to watch, but plan to get the VCDs once they are out.
It was also in later years that I fell in love with "FRIENDS" (still my ultimate favourite) and "Sex And The City", the former because my youngest brother bought the entire set of all ten seasons, the latter was introduced by my mum's cousin who loves the show. I had watched "Sex And The City" on and off during the years they were showing, but it was after my relative who lent me the DVD of the entire first season that I started to really like the show.
So I plan to get the VCD of the entire series of all the seasons for "Sex And The City". What is there not to like about the show? Some may argue that it is a somewhat bimbotic show where the women talk about nothing but fashion and men, but honestly, that is what typical girls will talk about. Just like typical guys talking about army and girls.
The situations are really real. Problems in love, friendships that survive through ups and downs. The movie did justice to the series. It is a somewhat continuation of the series, yet at the same time bringing the entire show to a closure, with a feel-good feeling.
Not to mention the beautiful wedding that was supposed to be held at the New York Public Library building, the to-die-for Vivienne Westwood gown, and the book entitled "Love Letters Of Great Men", which convinces me to find and get that book, especially after Carrie read out the excerpt from Beethoven (and I always thought he was only capable of writing intense music!).
My favourite part of the show is the wedding with Mr Big right at the end. It was really a simple wedding, just an exchange of vows at City Hall with only the two of them, no one else. She had on just a business suit as her wedding gown. And then lunch with her closest friends. But that was also the most beautiful and touching part of the show, because after everything, they really wanted to be together. So who said one needs a big wedding bash to make things beautiful?
My favourite character is Charlotte. She is someone simple, traditional and just wants a complete family, someone who is faithful to her loved one and her friends. Somehow I can relate to that. My second favourite character is Carrie, who, despite being modern, independent and smart, all her rationality gets thrown out in the face of love. And that is how loving someone should be like - the ability to forgive and start over, despite hurts and disappointments.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Time To Indulge ....
Likewise, in fashion and trends, there is a season too. And this seems on-going, because the fashions change after every season or so. A guy just has it so easy, there are only that few articles of clothing he can wear, and all he needs is to mix and match and coordinate them properly, and he can wear a suit to the office, and then just remove the jacket and he can go out and have fun.
It is different for a lady. She has to make sure everything coordinates. Besides making sure she dresses for the right occasion and venue, she has to ensure her accessories are matching too. In other words, the clothes match the shoes, the bag, the jewellery and the makeup. She must also have clothes that can seem fit to wear to the office, as well as not too stuffy for a night out after that.
Which is why girls, despite the number of clothes they have, they will never have anything to wear! This is also why they take such a long time to dress up and get ready, especially for a hot date, or a night out with their partners. Afterall, we all want to look good, and we want to look the best for the guys we are with!
But there is a time for fashion too. For instance, when I was younger, there are more clothes I can take. I ended up in casual wear most of the time, especially on campus. As I progress in age, I start to wear dresses, and clothes that are not too dowdy yet retains the youthful flavour.
After all, in another few more years, I cannot dress like how I dress now, or when I was younger, so I have to take the chance to wear whatever I like before age catches up. Nobody likes to see someone middle-aged dressing like a teenager!
Recently, I came across two interesting websites, both selling clothes. The first one has a more girlish flavour, fit for people in their twenties, even for someone like me. The designs are sweet, youthful and not too outlandish. And the prices are very reasonable! I bought a couple of tops and skirts there that I can wear for both work and play.
The second one targets younger girls. Still, it does not stop me from buying a couple of tops and dresses there as well. The prices are also pretty reasonable. That day at the grooming workshop, the image consultant recommended us another shop that sells clothes with a touch of vintage yet a modern feel to them. The clothes there are more fitting for people my age, but much more pricey too!
Clothes are never complete without accessories. A few months back, when I was looking for necklaces, I came across this site on original handcrafted jewellery, where they display their products on their blog. The accessories there look really quaint and intricate that I simply could not resist and bought one to match my New Year dress.
These people are enterprising indeed! They can turn their hobbies and passions to prosperities. I guess they must be earning quite a bit from just the online business alone! I have not shopped for almost a year, so I believe I am entitled to some indulgence now and then. What better way to shop than at the confines of one's home instead of pushing amongst the crowd in a shopping mall? Oh well, I am but a typical girl - a girl and her clothes!
Three Years On ....
What are the best things that have happened throughout these three years? I guess the best thing that can ever happen is that new friendships have been established and cultivated. A while back, I was lamenting the loss of some friends, but in the end I realise if they can drop me just like that, then they were probably not that true in the first place.
That is human nature, is it not? Always drawn to a nice facade, drawn to what they deem as perfection, but once the image is shattered, they will just drop. But how many of us are really without flaws? I, for one, am definitely not flawless, so I do not expect people around me to be perfect, but at the same time, at least behave in a way that is bearable and not like a prick.
Normally around this time, I will adopt another new look. But I shall stick with this for now, because it comes to a stage where there are only so many templates one can play with. Besides, there is no inclination for me to change, as my life is slowly getting back on track, and I want to remain as cheerful as the blue sky (hence the colour scheme, not what it used to represent).
What I am glad is that my writings may be open, but they still retain a sense of privacy at the same time. At least unless you are the person in question, no one else really knows the entire background, despite how much I tend to let out. Which is why I do not want to introduce anyone by name, so there is a sense of anonymity yet familiarity at the same time.
By now, I guess most should have known my family background, how many members are there in my family, and how my relationship with my parents, especially my mum, have improved through the years. I am sure most will also know how idealistic I (still) am. Hopefully people will agree that I have grown, somewhat, as compared to when I first started musing.
I guess life experiences do play a part. One never really grows and learns until one experiences certain things in life. It is these experiences that change my perceptions in certain things, that I have learnt to accept certain things. And having my memories, thoughts and feelings documented is a good way of going back and reflect, telling myself to relive the good times and learn from the bad.
I know I am open, but I try to be as real as I can, because life itself is full of ups and downs. If everything is smooth sailing, that will be so boring! Life itself is like a big meal, with something sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, all in one. Which is why I say it like it is, although I know not everyone is able to accept it.
Yes, three years and ongoing. How long more? I keep telling myself that it is time to retire, but I have already resolved that the day I retire this blog will be the day I get married, if and when that ever happens. And from the looks of things, that may be still a long time more.
Meanwhile, this still exists, for the ramblings and rantings of my mundance existence. To those who have dropped me comments and emails about certain things I have written, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, because it is a good feeling to know I have inspired others.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
House Cleaning!
At least the men in my family are not those who just sit around, watching television and playing computer games, and expect the women to serve them coffee and food and do all the household chores while they indulge in beer and dirty talk. And that is why I appreciate them! Imagine if I grow up in a chauvinistic family, I think I will be really miserable!
Having said that, I have to clarify that my parents are traditional people, as in they uphold Chinese cultures and traditions, and do celebrate every occasion, like Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dumpling Festival, even the Mid-Winter Solstice. They emphasise on filial piety and respect for the elders.
But there is a difference between being traditional and being chauvinistic. Being traditional can be upholding values that are deeply rooted in the culture. Being chauvinistic simply means thinking men are always better than women, and women's roles are just to keep the house, listen to the men and not be heard, cannot be educated and go out to work. Men should be the ones working and letting the women serve them at home.
For me, I like being the little woman, but I also believe in equality amongst couples. A perfect partnership to me is one where both can engage in dialogue and discourse, can talk about anything and everything without any reservations, can share ups and downs, being open and encourage outspokenness with each other, instead of one always thinking his / her opinions are always right.
At the same time, I like to be taken care of by the man, and I also like to take care of the man. In other words, both of us take care of each other in our own respective ways. In a relationship, it is not a competition who is better or more capable, but a partnership on equal footing. It is also not a calculation who does more or less, who should be the one doing more housework and who should be the one serving who. It is more like both helping each other out and complementing each other.
And that is why I appreciate my family, because even though we have a maid almost throughout our lives, at times like these when our helper goes off, we all help out. My dad and brothers have no complaints and no qualms doing the housework or taking charge of things. They do not just sit around and relax, and expect my mum or me to serve them.
So my mum did up a roster, sort of. I actually volunteered to do the laundry, since I need to wash and iron my executive wear anyway, but my mum asked my youngest brother to do it, because he needs to take special care of his military uniform, as that has to be washed, starched and ironed in a special way. All the more so since he will be marching in the National Day Parade this year.
For me, besides taking care of the dog, I have been assigned the upper level of the house, which means the second floor and the attic. Why so? Because that is where the book collection is. And since I am still in the midst of sorting out and categorising all our books, my mum thought it would be better if I just take charge of the upper level, so I just need to mop the floor and clean the bathrooms everyday.
My first brother will be cleaning the lower level, which means the living room, dining room, kitchen and backyard. My dad will do everything else not stated, and my mum will be in charge of all our meals. This sounds so perfect! And this is what a family should be like!
Red Tape
I remember I was out sick from 14 to 17 April. The first sick certificate covered me for the period of 14 to 15 April, the second 16 April and then 17 April. Two weeks ago, my Human Resource Executive said that they were not able to decipher the doctor's writing on my first certificate, as they could not make out whether it was "two" days or "three" days, and could not make out whether it was "15" or "16".
So I was given a copy of the certificate, and had to go back to the clinic to ask the doctor to endorse on the certificate. Unfortunately, the doctor was away for the past two weeks. When my dad helped me to go to the clinic yesterday, the clinic was closed. What a series of unlucky coincidences!
Now my Human Resource Executive is blaming me for taking such a long time to give her the endorsement. Is it my fault if the doctor was not around, and there is only one doctor in the clinic, and the one covering her when she was away did not dare to endorse on the copy? Luckily my dad agreed to go down again today, so hopefully this is settled soon!
Honestly, I was covered on the 16th too, so I do not see why the certificate needed to be endorsed since there is another sick certificate covering me! But just because it is company policy, there is no going around the system. Oh well ....
Monday, May 26, 2008
Office Politics : The Same Everywhere?
If one thinks about it, the tables have turned, sort of. Discounting my teaching stint, for the past few years, I have been changing jobs, mostly not by choice. So before I got used to a new environment and superior, for some reason or other, I had to leave. Now, I have somehow stuck with this company for almost two years, yet within this period I am here, I have changed five superiors in all. Just when I finally got used to one’s working style, another one comes and revamps the whole system again.
Worse is that we were given a shelling by our Financial Controller. She said how could we go ahead and bill for anything when the agreements were not even in effect? She then asked who were in charge of the rest of the agreements, and people just started arrowing everyone else. In the end, everyone threw the whole thing to the Business Development department, and needless to say, they were not happy about it.
Fairy Tales .... Do Exist
Do fairy tales exist, in this world where I live? As much as I wanted to remain simple and idealistic, sad to say, many a times one just has to be practical. But fairy tales still do exist, not to me (for now), but to people I know. For instance, it was so dreamy how one of my cousins met her husband.
And now for my friend too. She is my age, and was being disillusioned over the kind of men she had been meeting (why does this sound so familiar?). She registered herself on dating agencies and websites, attended social events and networking groups, all in the hope of meeting someone, but she never did meet the right people, as those she had come across simply do not catch her fancy.
Lessons From Chinese Philosophy
从前有一个和尚跟一个屠夫是好朋友。和尚天天早上要起来念经,而屠夫天天要起来杀猪。 为了不耽误他们早上的工作,是他们约定早上互相叫对方起床。 多年以后,和尚与屠夫相继去世了。屠夫去上天堂了,而和尚却下地狱了。
This story is on the monk and the butcher. They were good friends. Every morning, the monk will wake up to pray, and the butcher would wake up to slaughter pigs. In order for them to carry out their duties faithfully, they promised to wake each other up in the mornings. Years later, both died. The butcher went to Heaven yet the monk went to Hell instead.
Why? Because the butcher wakes the monk up every morning to pray for penitence, so he was doing a good act. Whereas the monk wakes the butcher up every morning to kill, so he was doing a bad act.
The moral of this story is : What you deem as right, may not necessarily be right.
Scenario No. 2
我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。
是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。
A psychological test. You are driving a car. During a thunderstorm at night, you came across three people waiting at a bus stop. One was an old man, who looked sickly and needed immediate medical attention. Another one was a doctor who once saved your life. The third was your dream guy / girl.
You could only take one of them. The old man was on the verge of dying. You had been waiting for the chance to repay the doctor for saving your life. And you had always wanted to get to know your dream guy / girl, as if you missed this chance, there may never be another chance ever again.
So what would you do? Different people will have different answers to this. At a job interview, out of two hundred applicants, only one answered this in an unorthodox way, and he was hired. His answer : "I would give the car key to the doctor, asking him to bring the old man to the hospital, and I would then stay behind waiting with my dream guy / girl at the bus stop."
Actually, my answer was something similar too. Before I even came across the answer, I was telling myself in my mind that I would just ask the doctor to drive the old man to the hospital, and he could render the old man assistance along the way, while I could just wait for the bus, and be with my dream guy / girl at the same time!
I thought this answer is pretty straightforward and common sensical, so I was really surprised that only one out of two hundred would come up with an answer like this. Apparently, when this answer was conveyed, everyone said that was the best answer, yet nobody figured it out right at the beginning.
So the moral of the story? People are unwilling to let go of material stuff which they already have (like the car key of the car). As evidenced most will either just say drive the old man, or drive the doctor, or drive the person of their dreams. But they did not realise that by letting go of the car, they could gain something even more immeasurable - save the old man, repay the doctor, and be with the person of their dreams at the same time.
Likewise, if people are able to let go of certain things, like their resolve, their stubbornness, or their material stuff, what they get back in return may be much better than if they hold on to certain things.
Scenario No. 3
The origins of leather shoes. Once upon a time, people still walked everywhere with bare feet. There was a king who went to a rural area. The grounds and walkways were cobblestoned, so it made his feet hurt. When he went back to the palace, he set an order to cover all the grounds and walkways with a layer of cow skin. He thought by doing so, he could also allow comfort to the people in walking.
However, even if the people killed all the bulls and cows of the country, there was still not enough skins to go around. Not to mention the heavy cost of labour in the work involved. But since it was an order by the king, the people had no choice but to obey, even though it seemed to be an impossible task.
A smart servant then went to the king, suggesting, "Oh King! Why must we sacrifice all the bulls and cows and incur such big expenses? Why don't we just use two small pieces of skin to cover the soles of our feet? It would serve the same purpose while walking!"
The king was really surprised when he heard that. Thus he retracted the order, and told everyone to just put the skins underneath their feet instead of paving all the streets. Hence, this was how "leather shoes" came about.
The moral of this is : It's difficult to change the world, but easy to change oneself. Instead of trying to change the world, why not start with oneself (by covering our feet with leather). Changing oneself also prepares one for the challenges the rest of the world will impose on us, because by changing oneself, our perceptions of things will then start to change. So in order to change the world, we should change ourselves first.
"By changing our mindset, we will then change our attitudes. By changing our attitudes, we will then change our habits. By changing our habits, we will then be able to change our lives."
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Eating A Snail
I know he was trying to tell me there were worse things, but did he really expect me to be able to stomach any food after hearing that? Still, I was in the middle of chomping a piece of garlic bread when I told myself to just eat it, like how I ate the rabbit stew last year, so I popped the escargot into my mouth and quickly chewed and swallowed it without thinking. Well, it was not a bad feat, but after this, I do not think I can ever stomach escargot for a long time again!
Made Of Honour
This male counterpart to "My Best Friend's Wedding" is a typical romantic comedy, but certain lessons are really true. Both had feelings for each other, both were so comfortable with each other, he really knew what she wanted, her interests, her dreams, the kinds of food she liked, and he took care of her pretty well, except he could not commit and ended up with a different girl almost every night. She, on the other hand, joined him for family events, talked to him whenever she ran into problems, but she knew she would have to find someone willing to commit to her and get married one day. So it was a dream come true when she met the Scottish Duke.
But at least this show has a happier ending as compared to "My Best Friend's Wedding", because in the former, he realised he really could not live without her, so mustered up all his courage to declare his feelings for her, and she accepted it. Whereas in the latter, the one he loved was his fiancee and not her. So she did the only thing she could - bring back the bride to him. The lesson learnt here is to treasure the one you have, otherwise it may just be too late, and sometimes it is too late to rectify things too. Here's wishing all those in love to treasure each other and create a more beautiful future!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Colours Galore!
It is a pretty useful workshop though, because at least I know what clothes suit me and what do not. Apparently, I have been wearing the right colours and the right kind of style for my skin tone and body type. Thank goodness there is no need to revamp my entire wardrobe!
By the way, another "miracle" happened today. I actually stepped into a bookshop and emerged without even so much of a book cover! What was really amazing was that all the books I wanted to read were on sale and display, but I already promised myself not to get anymore books until I thoroughly tidy up my current stock, so it was a tiny achievement indeed that I did not buy a single book!
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Playing the electone is easier as there are not as many running notes as the piano. However, the technique for electone playing is in the accompaniment, instrumental registration and rhythm. The sound, rhythm, accompaniment and modulation of the entire song had to be preset and kept in a registration memory, then saved in a floppy disk. So in order to play a good piece of music from the electone, one has to play the whole song in sync with the registration. I know I am probably not making any sense here, but I am no engineer, so this is the best way I can describe how an electronic organ works.
Anyway, I managed to play the song, and it sounded really good on that model. Of course, now with newer and more advanced models, if I play the song on any of the newer models now, it will probably sound much better. I was reminded of this song when I was watching "Indiana Jones" last night with a new friend - the trademark song for any Indiana Jones show. Harrison Ford still looks good! He is one of those who looks better with age, just like Richard Gere and George Clooney.
I prefer Harrison Ford as Indy much better than his Han Solo role. But then again, most people know that, not even a human, my favourite Star Wars character is! ;-p
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Permanent Head Damage?
Of course not everyone is like that. My cousin-in-law is pursuing a doctorate degree, and he is a very normal, decent, nice guy with absolutely no airs. But the same cannot be said about another person I came across, who really justifies a "Permanent head Damage" in the way he behaves and acts.
Those who know me know I go for intellectual power. But intellectual power does not necessary mean someone with very high qualifications, although a normal graduate is preferred. A few more years of studying does make a difference in perception and attitude. Intellectual power also comes from one's life experiences, and one's values and attitudes towards life, the upbringing and exposure.
In other words, someone who is a graduate and earning a decent income, well-read, well-travelled, cultured, knowledgeable, articulate, keeps up to date with the times, willing to live life to the fullest and try new things, chivalrous, and has a good flair of the language makes a very lethal combination to me.
But anyway I have come across my share of weirdos from all walks of life, and I believe I have learnt how to get rid of these people without working myself up into a fluster. Still, there will always be a few that is hard to get rid of, a few that will always be hard to crack.
For instance, I was so stressed with my examinations last week that I hardly had the time to entertain others. I was in a bad mood, worried about my grades, wondering about how my score would be like. So I was really not in the right mood to deal with weirdos. Yet, even after I told others to leave me alone, one or two will still insist on exchanging messages.
I was back at work on Friday, but I was so busy trying to clear things that were accumulated from Thursday. When someone called me, I was too flustered to talk so I told him I was busy. And he said, "I thought you said you were on leave the whole week? How come you are at work? Lying to me is it?"
Yes, I was on leave for the week, but my examination ended on Thursday, so of course I had to be back at work on Friday! With all his qualifications, he did not even know something like this?! Granted, he caught me at the wrong time, but still, what makes him think I will feel any better when he said that?
Friday evening, I was feeling a bit sick, so decided to just go home and sleep the night away. Before I even reached home, he sent me a message asking if he could call me. So I said I was not home yet, if he wished to he could call me later. Then he asked how late, so I just gave a random answer of fifteen minutes.
The moment I reached home, he sent me another message, asking if he could call me then. So I replied that I just reached home, could he let me chill out first? And he then sent another message, saying why could I not let him call me since I have already reached home? Erh... when a person just reached home, he / she needs some time to unwind first right? Unless it is a very good or close friend of mine who calls me because of a problem, otherwise I will prefer to rest a while first.
A while later, I went online and he was there. So we started chatting. He asked if he could call me then so I said okay, but he said since we were both online, we might as well chat. Fine with me, since I was really feeling tired and not in the mood to really talk to people. We chatted for a while, then he asked if he could call me.
So I said actually I was tired and preferred to rest. He then said why did I say he could call me then changed my story altogether? Erh, we were already chatting online, and I was really tired. I see no reason why he needed to call me when we were already chatting online.
He then requested for a photo of me, to which I said I just changed into my laptop so I did not have any photo in my notebook as yet, which is true! He accused me of giving so many excuses, to which I said if that was how he felt then there was nothing I could do, and I was really tired so I would appreciate if he could let me rest.
A few days later, he sent me a message asking if I would like to meet. He wanted to meet me in an hour's time, and he asked me one hour beforehand? So I said I was not free because I was in church. He then asked what about anytime during the week, but I just happened to be busy for the week.
He asked what about the following week. I said the following week should be fine, but which day I have to confirm again. He asked why could I not give him a day and time, so I said I could only confirm nearer the day because I could not be sure if anything would suddenly crop up, and if I fix a day only to cancel it would not be very nice.
Yet, he accused me of stringing him along, and said if I did not wish to meet, just say so, did not need to give so many excuses! When did I say I did not wish to meet? I just did not want to confirm so fast in case something crops up! And I was really tight this week, because I shifted everything I needed to do after my examinations!
From this, I feel that he is someone self-centred, rigid and inflexible. It is like just because he asked someone out, the person must cater to him, no matter what time, how late the notice is, without considering that people have their own lives and own moods as well, and people's lives are much bigger than just catering to him alone!
So the verdict? I had him thrown out. Not literally, but well, I stopped talking to him altogether, stopped entertaining his messages and I actually told him what I felt. One thing I am most uncomfortable about is someone being so pushy, then gets all whiny and accusing just because his demands are not met.
No doubt he wants to find someone to be with, but if he is going to be so pushy and have this kind of attitude, who will be willing to go out with him? Most will be scared off already. Having said that, I came across a quotation from Gabriel Marquez, "No man is worth crying over. The one that is will never make you cry." Well said! In another way, no man is worth being frustrated and angry over. The one that is will never make you frustrated and angry.
Love In The Time Of Disaster
Apparently the rescue workers found a couple whose bodies were stuck together. When the quake occurred, a large stone came crashing down into their house. The man put himself between the boulder and the woman. He got his back crushed by the boulder, crushing the woman in the process. So both died together.
At times like these, it is really the test of true love. Imagine the ground started shaking all of a sudden, the big boulder just came crashing in, I believe the man had no time to even think, yet he did his utmost to protect the woman he loved. These are from instincts.
This somehow reminds me of a story I read. This guy A had been in love with this girl for six years, always devoted, putting her interests first, but for some reason she did not love him as deeply as she felt him too boring. Then he introduced his best friend B to her, a rebel and someone exciting, and she fell immediately for him at first sight. He responded to her love too.
One day, the building she was staying in caught fire. She was out then, but when she saw the fire, she quickly ran towards the building. She was with guy B then and he held her back, remarking that she was crazy to even think of running towards the fire, but she said she had an elderly neighbour who could hardly move around so she wanted to see how to get her out.
When they got to the building, it was almost in ruins. Guy B wanted to run off, as far away from the fire as possible, but she saw her neighbour being stuck behind the bed. So she begged him to save the old lady, yet he refused. He only relented reluctantly after she attempted to run into the ruined building to save the old lady.
So he went in to save the old lady half-heartedly, but the fire had consumed almost all the building, so he almost could not get her out. At that moment, Guy A came rushing up to her, saying the moment he heard of the fire, he rushed there immediately. She said Guy B was inside, and Guy A then rushed in without thinking. She held him back, but he said, "The man you love is inside. I will ensure he gets out safely." Now, that was so touching!
So Guy A rushed into the burning building, and he managed to save the old lady, then he rushed back in to save Guy B. Both managed to get out unscathed, albeit their faces black with the flames and soot. When they came out, all Guy B reacted was people better reward him for his efforts, but all Guy A did was ensure that everyone was alright, and went around helping those who were injured in the fire.
So the lady finally came to her senses. Guy A loved her so much that he was willing to sacrifice his own life just to save the one she loved, and even then, he never once blamed her for spurning his advances. Guy B claimed he loved her, but actually he was nothing but a coward. In the end, she dumped Guy B and married Guy A.
Okay, I am a sucker for love stories, but things like these do happen in real life, as evidenced from how the husband protected the wife in the face of the earthquake. Only someone who truly loves another will sacrifice him / herself for the one he / she loves in the face of the greatest danger, without thinking. It will be done instantaneously just like that. Those whose reactions are to save themselves first in the face of adversity or had to even think of how to react are those who probably do not love the partner that much in the first place.
Growing up, I witnessed my parents' little acts of love and devotion to each other. Their marriage is not smooth sailing all the time. They have their own shares of ups and downs, their own sets of problems, their quarrels and frustrations with each other, just like any normal couple.
When my dad was doing his Masters, my mum made sure his flask of water and tea, his box of stationery and foolscap paper would always be on his desk every night without fail. She would supervise my homework in my room, read a story to me before I sleep and made sure I sleep and not disturb my dad before going back to her room.
When it was my mum's turn to do her Masters, my dad helped her type her research and compile her assignments together (with help from me too!). This morning, when I joined my parents for breakfast, my dad asked me what I would like to order without asking my mum, because he knows exactly what my mum wants and how she likes the food.
It is little gestures like these that shows one's devotion to someone else. That is how a relationship and marriage can withstand the test of time, because despite all the differences, quarrels, frustrations and arguments, both still find time to do things for each other, to keep their companionship and commitment going.
Thus, it is really true that a wedding is but one day, but a marriage is for a lifetime. A lot of my friends, when they got married, they started planning on how big they wanted the wedding to be. They wanted the best in everything, no matter even if their budgets have been blown, ensured everything run smoothly.
At times, I feel that some of them are too obsessed with the idea of getting married and having a beautiful wedding, than the whole concept of marriage itself. For me, I want a marriage, not a wedding. Of course, a traditional wedding with church and reception is a must, but it does not need to be such a big bash or have such an extraordinary theme to make it so special. A simple wedding can be special too, as long as the couple love each other with all their hearts and willing to commit and devote the rest of their lives to each other.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Premonition Of Ill Fortune?
The mascot Beibei is in the shape of a Sturgeon fish, found exclusively in the Yangtze (Yellow) River. Jingjing is in the shape of a panda, which is mostly found in Sichuan (the earthquake?). Huanhuan has a flame-like shape on its head, supposed to represent the lighting of the Olympic Torch (at the same time the cause of the recent trouble over the lighting of the torch?).
Yingying has horns on its head, to represent an Antelope, to be more precise, a Tibetan Antelope (trouble with the Tibetan monks?). And finally, Nini has the shape of a kite on its head. Incidentally, there is a city in Shandong very famous for its kites, and a train crash few months back just happened to be in Shandong. Now if the Yangtze ever overflows, that will be another trouble on its own.
Incidentally, the Olympic logo looks like someone being shot, and people know China is known for its capital punishment where criminals are brought to open areas and shot to death. So is this just coincidence, or premonition? We better keep our fingers crossed that nothing else happens.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Education Across The Masses
Considering this is the second time he took the examination, it is still pretty competitive indeed if he is still not able to enter the course(s) of his choice. It was already competitive ten years back, it is definitely much more competitive now! Quite a number of people I know rather send their children overseas to study, as they feel the local system is too rigid and competitive.
Rigid yes, but as for competitive, well, what makes anyone think the education system in other countries are any less competitive? Like in Australia, my cousins all had to struggle too in order to enter the university and course(s) of their choices. If they did not make the grade even by 0.1 point, they could not enter the course, no matter how much they appealed. So it is the same everywhere.
Going overseas to study is to see the world, to experience life living away from home and parents, to learn how to be independent, to learn how to take care of ourselves and to fend for ourselves being all alone there. It should not be a place to escape to just because the system here is too stressed and inflexible.
My brother put Economics as one of his choices, thus the Arts and Social Sciences. His other choices are Business, Accounting and Finance, Mathematics, but somehow could not get into any. At that age, it is hard to determine exactly what one wants to do and hopes to be. One may enter a course, but in the end end up doing something else totally different.
Many people have asked me why did I not choose Arts and Social Sciences back then? I did, but that was not my first choice. Besides, it would be a problem if I did enter the course, because one had to do two majors and one minor, but there were so many courses I was interested in that I could not make up my mind which one to take!
When I switched back to Arts after my law stint, it was better because on the basis of courses I had taken, there was not much of a choice which one to take. So I stuck to what I took because I was not able to take any of the other courses. Just as well, because at least I was able to take courses I am really interested in.
For now, I hope my brother can make up his mind on what he wants to do, at least for his tertiary education. Whatever comes next it will be a step at a time. As long as one graduates with decent grades, one will not be afraid of not finding anything to do next time.
Different Values Of Different Groups
The thing is, it is not as if I am some kind of big shot or heiress to some mighty empire or something. Who am I to look down on others? It is not like I go turning my nose up in the air and refusing to befriend those whom I deem as "lower-class". I do have friends from all walks of life, of all kinds of backgrounds.
But then I believe one should be selective in choosing one's company. For instance, if the person smokes and someone like me cannot take smoke, it makes sense not to be in the person's company right? Why must I compromise my health and fresh air and make myself so uncomfortable just for the sake of hanging out?
Or if I feel there are better things to do than just indulging in gambling or queuing up for lottery, why should I then waste my time doing things like that when I can spend the same amount of time doing other things which I enjoy, like reading, or playing instruments, or even hanging out at coffee joints with friends whose companies I really enjoy?
Yes, I do not believe in gambling or buying lottery, because there are other uses for one's money. You spend a hard time in the office trying to make that amount and making ends meet, then you turn around and blow so much on some numbers all for the sake of hoping to win the big prize but in the end never did win? It just does not make sense to me.
The bottomline is I know the kind of company I prefer, whether as friends or more. And I know the kind of company I am not comfortable in. So why must I spend time with people I am not comfortable with, and get myself flustered and irritated, when I can spend happier and more enjoyable times with those I am comfortable with?
My friends (or rather, those I hang out with more often) are not the rich and famous types as well. For this, I mean both genders. They come from pretty simple backgrounds too. They are just wage earners, albeit professionals in their fields. The most they have are good education and a thirst for knowledge and learning, and they keep themselves updated with what is going on around the world instead of just playing mahjong or computer games the whole day.
And they are very generous. They know how to treat friends well, especially the guys I do not mind hanging out with, they know how to treat a girl right. They are not the types who splurge on themselves yet pick on everything when they go out with others. I have come across people who spent so much on lottery, or computer games, or upgrade a new car every few months, then when it comes to going out with people, so reluctant to go to a nice cosy place, and still calculate over every little bit of amount spent.
We all know how to balance and control. For instance, each time I go out with a certain guy friend, he will either pick me up from my office or home, then bring me to a nice place for dinner or dessert. And he always picks up the tab, even after I told him not to. I feel quite bad sometimes so I buy him little snacks when we meet up. He drives just a normal car, lives with his parents in a housing estate, and works as an executive in a statutory board.
This is the kind of company I feel most comfortable with - where I can enjoy myself in comfort, knowing I can just be myself, without needing to worry whether the guy will find me too high-maintenance or too high-class. The kind of company where I can talk about anything and everything with no reservations, without any worry that his mind will start triggering off sexual innuendos in what I say. With my female friends, I can be even more laid-back and emotional.
So am I really looking down on some people? Perhaps looking down is too harsh a word. I can also say there are people looking down on me just because they criticise certain things I do or say, or do not wish to be with me just because they do not think I am good enough. Afterall, everyone has his / her preference. Not everyone fits. Just because someone does not fit does not mean he / she is being ostracised. It all boils down to the affinity and chemistry between people.
Perhaps there are people who do not mind having sex all the time, or talking about intimacy with strangers, or flirting with others. And there are people who indulge in gambling, smoking, queuing for lottery and buying big stakes. But that will not be me, because I need to maintain some kind of respect for self as well as others.
I rather spend my money and time on more meaningful things. Likewise, I hope others will do the same as well to me - show some form of respect and not treat me as some kind of sex tool or object. It is not a matter of looking down on others, but just that everyone has his / her own values in life.
And mine just happens to be more conservative and traditional, instead of liberal and open. So instead of fretting why people I meet seem to have different kinds of values, I rather take the time to look for those who share my values in the first place.
Feeling "Hot"
"Very hot actually. I think I'm burning up." (This is in reference to the intense heat wave going around lately.)
"Why? How come? Hot for me? Maybe I call you then we can solve your hotness, what is your number?"
I stopped replying altogether.
Seriously, must everything or anything I (or any girl for that matter) say, mean anything even remotely sexual?!
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Time For Natural Disasters
This period seems to be one for natural disasters. Just when the Myanmar situation has not been cleared, the ground split open in Sichuan. I have stopped keeping track of the number of casualties and stopped looking at the pictures in the newspapers. I will just get more depressed if I see anymore pictures of people being dug up, heavily injured, and number of deaths and missing. Short of praying as hard and as much as I can, there is not much else I can do, besides donating to some mercy relief. If I have the proper connections I may want to go on-site itself, but a pity I am but a normal person, not some kind of big shot.
Which makes me think : the Myanmar situation occurred before the Sichaun quake, both have casualties, yet why do more people willing to give massively to China and not to Myanmar? Is it because many of our ancestors came from there, thus many of us feel more affinity with China? But when a disaster occurs, help is needed, no matter how many casualties there are, is it not? Why favour one over another?
I am not saying that nobody's giving to Myanmar, but as far as I know from the people I know, they rather help China than Myanmar. Yes, I gave to both. It is nothing to speak of, but I just want to make things clear before I get misunderstood again as always. I find that sometimes when I do not say things just because I find there is of no need to say anything, people start to misunderstand my intentions and actions and label me as all kinds of things or jump to their own conclusions without knowing the full background.
Anyway, I was contemplating why those I know prefer to just give to China instead. Most came up with the reason that they do not trust the Myanmar government, and that if they give to Myanmar, they are worried the government will take the money for their own purposes and not truly helping the disaster victims. Hmmmm... interesting analogy. Now, what makes anyone think it is any more transparent in China? How would anyone know their money and supplies will really reach the victims?
Fine, I am being rather cynical, but I just like to make a point that if one wants to give, do it generously and not keep worrying and considering where the money and supplies will be going to. If there is going to be so much consideration and worry, then just keep your belongings and not give any away. On our part we have done a good act. What happens on that end is not within our control. As long as we have done a good act, that is all that matters.
Meanwhile, I shall continue my prayers for the victims, the dead, the lost and the missing. I wish their ordeals will end soon on a positive note.
A Beeper By Any Other Name ....
It was supposed to make it easier for friends and family to reach me whenever I was not at home, although the troublesome thing was that whenever someone paged for me, they would have to wait until I returned the call. And if I was outside, at times it could be a hassle trying to find and then queue and wait at a public phone booth. Even worse if I was on a long bus ride and could not return the call immediately. Plus my parents did not like paging for me, "like a call girl".
After the end of that relationship, I changed the beeper to a red arpeggio, because I liked the ring tones whenever someone paged for me. Then when it became necessary for people to leave me voice messages, I changed it again to a white Motorola. And when the messaging service came out where people could call the operator and send a text message directly to one's pager, I upgraded again, to a lavendar Motorola. Within five years, I changed four beepers.
I still remember my beeper number though, although it had been terminated when I switched to a mobile phone permanently. Needless to say, all the voice messages which I saved up had also been deleted when I terminated the service. But the text messages still remained. And when I put in a battery last night to test the beepers, I came across the text messages. Needless to say, since a beeper had only limited space, I could only save a limited number of messages, and all the saved messages were from my ex. Come to think of it, he could actually call the operator just to send me embarrassing messages, wonder if he ever felt embarrassed or what the operator actually thought?
But those text messages were not the mushiest though. The voicemails he left for me were worse. Last night, I suddenly recall some of the more embarrassing, albeit sweetest, voicemails he left for me, both in my pager and later in my mobile. Plus the embarrassing texts in my mobile later on. Wonder why I suddenly thought about these again? Somehow the thoughts triggered off a song, one of my favourites from one of my favourite bands.
I Have A Dream ~ Abba
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
Another Additional Instrument
It started a few months back, when I was out for dinner with my best friend and a friend of hers. As all of us play the piano (somewhat), we were discussing a perfect complement to the piano. We started going from violin to flute to voice to cello, then started comparing between the various instruments. That friend said he would like to take up the cello because somehow he feels fit to play the cello.
Then when I started taking additional lessons at the music school, the people there did ask if I want another instrument, in addition to those I already have or plan to take. At that moment, I said no as I did not want to be too swarmed. However, the church ensemble that I am joining need cellists and asked if I was able to play. Thus I decided to give it a go. Since I am already learning so many, an additional one will not matter. Besides, what greater joy making music than with classical instruments?
Thus the trial recital. I have no idea how it will turn out and whether I will confirm taking the cello as an additional instrument, but we shall see how it goes from there.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thoughts During A Long Weekend
I was talking with my cousin last night, and she, too, does not seem to have a good impression of local guys per se. She said she came across a lot of guys who are just weird. On one hand, they want to be attached, on the other hand, they behave in a way that put girls off. For instance, there is this guy who likes the feminine ladylike and educated kind of girl with intellect, but yet expects her to be submissive, not speak her mind and go along with what he says or does.
How can there be the best of both worlds? I am not saying that educated or intelligent girls will not be submissive or demure, I believe they will be, but at the same time, they do speak their own minds and have their own thinking instead of listening to the guy all the time, even when he is not that right.
She also remarked that many guys she came across, they do not know how to behave properly to a girl. For instance, they do not see a girl home after a date, or pay for the girl willingly. I do not need someone to pay for me all the time, but as a lady myself, I like to be well-treated too. I do appreciate chivalry and gentlemanliness, and having a good time at a date, instead of worrying whether the place is to the guy's liking.
Like what my best friend once said, if the guy is not generous on the first date, it is unlikely he will give others a good impression, whether he is someone that can be reliable and dependable. First impressions do still matter. I admit that. Those guys I have liked they all treated me very well on a first date, but in the first place, they are pretty decent people if I even agree to meet up with them.
It is after the impression on a first date that one decides whether to go on a second date. I admit I am still somewhat traditional, I still like the feeling of being chased and wooed, being dated in style and having a good time. It does not mean have to go high class all the way, but it means just having a great time with a great company, instead of someone picking on every little thing I do or say. Essentially I just want to be myself when out with people, rather than being uncomfortable. It is no fun if you have to keep watching yourself and your behaviour instead of enjoying yourself thoroughly.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Proposed Kiwi Itinerary
North Island
Day 1 : Auckland - Matamata
- Sky Tower
- Hobbiton
Accommodation : Auckland / Matamata (Bed and Breakfasts, Cottages, Motels)
Day 2 : Matamata - Waikato - Rotorua
- Waitomo Caves
- Geysers and traditional Maori Village
- evening Maori Cultural Experience including Hangi
Accommodation : Rotorua (Guesthouse)
Day 3 : Rotorua - Taupo - Wellington
- Drive through scenic exotic forests
- Thermal activity
- Lake Taupo
- Tongariro National Park
- Wellington cable car, Te Papa Tongarewa, Parliament Buildings, restaurants and shopping
Accommodation : Wellington (Bed and Breakfast, Homestay)
South Island
Day 4 : Wellington - Picton - Nelson
- Cross ferry to South Island
- Drive around Queen Charlotte coastline
- Mussel feast at Havelock, the head of Pelorous Gorge
- Art, crafts and collectibles shops
- Nelson beach, crystal clear bays, boutiques, wineries, apple orchards, World of Art Museum
Accommodation : Nelson (Bed and Breakfast)
Day 5 : Nelson - Punakaiki - Hokitika
- Forested mountain scenery and Buller Gorge
- Pancake Rocks and Blow holes
- Hokitika Frontier Town
Accommodation : Hokitika (Homestay, Bed and Breakfast)
Day 6 : Hokitika - Glacier Country
- Franz Josef and Fox Glacier
- Guided Walk
- Lake Matheson, Mount Cook, Mount Tasman
Accommodation : Franz Josef / Fox Glacier (Motels, Backpackers Inn, Cabins, Homestays)
Day 7 : Glacier Country - Queenstown - Arrowtown - Farmstay
- South Westland World Heritage Area
- Haast Pass to Lake Wanaka, Kawarau River Gorge
- Bungy jumping / horse treks / safaris / lake cruises
- Gold-mining town of Arrowtown
- Country Farmstay
Accommodation : Farmstay / Queenstown / Arrowtown
Day 8 : Queenstown - Te Anau - Milford Sound
- Fiordland National Park
- Eglinton Valley, Turner Valley, Cleddau Canyon
- Milford Sound Cruise
Accommodation : Te Anau (Cottage / Homestay)
Day 9 : Te Anau - Dunedin - Christchurch
- Southland and Otagu
- Dunedin Museum
- Mocraki Oamaru, Canterbury Plains
Accommodation : Dunedin / Christchurch (Bed and Breakfasts, Lodges, Guesthouses)
Day 10 : Christchurch
- Arts Centre, boutique, Crafts Shops
- Avon River
Thus in just ten days, we would have managed to cover almost all bases, from North to South islands! Hopefully when I show this to my parents when they come back on Monday, they will not have too many criticisms!
Missing A Groom :-p
In one of my earlier posts, I did mention that I have an idea of how my own wedding will be like. I guess it was because of this that in the end I never did marry someone, because he had his own idea too, and needless to say, our ideas were very different from each other's. I have an idea of the schedule for the day, which church and which venue for the reception. I even have a theme, the kind of dress I like, the decorations involved. All I need now is a groom. :-p
But a dream is just a dream, ideals are just ideals. We may have all the ideals, but in the end, the reality is that things may not turn out the way we envision. At the end of the day, I want a marriage, for life, not just a wedding, for a day.
So, not to dash my mum's hopes and wishes, even though no matter how much I hope to, I do not think I will be getting hitched any time soon. As it is, after the couple of false starts, my social life has gone a real low, with no one of real potential in sight.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Plain English Speaking Award
Think that was the one and only time I actually took part in the finals of a public-speaking competition. Although it was just school-based and I did not win, but it was quite an achievement, considering ever since lower secondary, I wanted to take part every year my school organised it, but the first year, I was totally struck off by the British teacher, who told me to pronounce my "th" and "t" correctly and ensured all my consonants are correct.
So it is an honour indeed that my tutor asked me to represent the school. Wonder if I am over-age though? Anyway it is not that easy to get in. Even after I submitted the application form, I still have to get through an audition round with the panel of lecturers, and must be short-listed before I will be allowed to represent the school.
So what are the chances anyway? There are many others more articulate than me, many others more able to think on their feet, because the auditions include a prepared speech as well as an impromptu speech. And it is the impromptu speech that always make me lose marks. Oh well, I just have to see how things go!