
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Almost A Lawsuit ....

A few days ago, I had some sort of a fright. I received a call from a certain bank. The officer over the phone sounded so threatening. She said she had called my home and office numbers, and now calling my mobile, to warn me that I would receive a lawyer's letter that afternoon.

Needless to say, I was totally stunned. I am positive that I have already paid my bill, so I see no reason why I would receive a lawyer's letter, and a threatening one at that! Thus, I got really irritated and tried to explain myself, but all I got was a mechanical voice, speaking pidgin in a threatening tone!

I was so angry that I called the bank after I hung up to clarify matters. No doubt perhaps it could be my fault, that when I sent the cheque in, I could have been absent-minded or overlooked writing my account number(s) and amount(s) at the back of the cheque, but still, she could have used a much gentler tone, and not just threaten with a lawyer's letter the moment she called someone!

Anyway, the bank did receive my payment after all. All this fuss for nothing! If I had been in a less than generous mood, I would have kicked up a big fuss and called the manager of the caller, threatening to sue her with emotional damanges! Customer service really should be improved!


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