
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

House Cleaning!

My domestic helper had gone home for vacation last night, so for the next three weeks, we have to help out around the house. Luckily I do not come from a chauvinistic family. My dad is perfectly happy having my mum being the more capable and outspoken partner, and he is also perfectly happy helping out around the house as and when needed.

At least the men in my family are not those who just sit around, watching television and playing computer games, and expect the women to serve them coffee and food and do all the household chores while they indulge in beer and dirty talk. And that is why I appreciate them! Imagine if I grow up in a chauvinistic family, I think I will be really miserable!

Having said that, I have to clarify that my parents are traditional people, as in they uphold Chinese cultures and traditions, and do celebrate every occasion, like Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dumpling Festival, even the Mid-Winter Solstice. They emphasise on filial piety and respect for the elders.

But there is a difference between being traditional and being chauvinistic. Being traditional can be upholding values that are deeply rooted in the culture. Being chauvinistic simply means thinking men are always better than women, and women's roles are just to keep the house, listen to the men and not be heard, cannot be educated and go out to work. Men should be the ones working and letting the women serve them at home.

For me, I like being the little woman, but I also believe in equality amongst couples. A perfect partnership to me is one where both can engage in dialogue and discourse, can talk about anything and everything without any reservations, can share ups and downs, being open and encourage outspokenness with each other, instead of one always thinking his / her opinions are always right.

At the same time, I like to be taken care of by the man, and I also like to take care of the man. In other words, both of us take care of each other in our own respective ways. In a relationship, it is not a competition who is better or more capable, but a partnership on equal footing. It is also not a calculation who does more or less, who should be the one doing more housework and who should be the one serving who. It is more like both helping each other out and complementing each other.

And that is why I appreciate my family, because even though we have a maid almost throughout our lives, at times like these when our helper goes off, we all help out. My dad and brothers have no complaints and no qualms doing the housework or taking charge of things. They do not just sit around and relax, and expect my mum or me to serve them.

So my mum did up a roster, sort of. I actually volunteered to do the laundry, since I need to wash and iron my executive wear anyway, but my mum asked my youngest brother to do it, because he needs to take special care of his military uniform, as that has to be washed, starched and ironed in a special way. All the more so since he will be marching in the National Day Parade this year.

For me, besides taking care of the dog, I have been assigned the upper level of the house, which means the second floor and the attic. Why so? Because that is where the book collection is. And since I am still in the midst of sorting out and categorising all our books, my mum thought it would be better if I just take charge of the upper level, so I just need to mop the floor and clean the bathrooms everyday.

My first brother will be cleaning the lower level, which means the living room, dining room, kitchen and backyard. My dad will do everything else not stated, and my mum will be in charge of all our meals. This sounds so perfect! And this is what a family should be like!


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