
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Three Years On ....

Can anyone believe it has been three years? Three years ago I told myself I needed to take charge of my life and enter a different stage, three years on it seems that things are still the same. Perhaps I have grown a bit, my perceptions have changed somewhat. Most important is that I have had a roller coaster ride (make that several roller coaster rides) and emerged probably stronger and more sensible (I hope!).

What are the best things that have happened throughout these three years? I guess the best thing that can ever happen is that new friendships have been established and cultivated. A while back, I was lamenting the loss of some friends, but in the end I realise if they can drop me just like that, then they were probably not that true in the first place.

That is human nature, is it not? Always drawn to a nice facade, drawn to what they deem as perfection, but once the image is shattered, they will just drop. But how many of us are really without flaws? I, for one, am definitely not flawless, so I do not expect people around me to be perfect, but at the same time, at least behave in a way that is bearable and not like a prick.

Normally around this time, I will adopt another new look. But I shall stick with this for now, because it comes to a stage where there are only so many templates one can play with. Besides, there is no inclination for me to change, as my life is slowly getting back on track, and I want to remain as cheerful as the blue sky (hence the colour scheme, not what it used to represent).

What I am glad is that my writings may be open, but they still retain a sense of privacy at the same time. At least unless you are the person in question, no one else really knows the entire background, despite how much I tend to let out. Which is why I do not want to introduce anyone by name, so there is a sense of anonymity yet familiarity at the same time.

By now, I guess most should have known my family background, how many members are there in my family, and how my relationship with my parents, especially my mum, have improved through the years. I am sure most will also know how idealistic I (still) am. Hopefully people will agree that I have grown, somewhat, as compared to when I first started musing.

I guess life experiences do play a part. One never really grows and learns until one experiences certain things in life. It is these experiences that change my perceptions in certain things, that I have learnt to accept certain things. And having my memories, thoughts and feelings documented is a good way of going back and reflect, telling myself to relive the good times and learn from the bad.

I know I am open, but I try to be as real as I can, because life itself is full of ups and downs. If everything is smooth sailing, that will be so boring! Life itself is like a big meal, with something sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, all in one. Which is why I say it like it is, although I know not everyone is able to accept it.

Yes, three years and ongoing. How long more? I keep telling myself that it is time to retire, but I have already resolved that the day I retire this blog will be the day I get married, if and when that ever happens. And from the looks of things, that may be still a long time more.

Meanwhile, this still exists, for the ramblings and rantings of my mundance existence. To those who have dropped me comments and emails about certain things I have written, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, because it is a good feeling to know I have inspired others.


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