
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Different Values Of Different Groups

I have been accused of looking down on people. Okay, perhaps I may come across as someone who likes the better things in life, but then again, who does not? Who will want to take something worse off when they can take something better?

The thing is, it is not as if I am some kind of big shot or heiress to some mighty empire or something. Who am I to look down on others? It is not like I go turning my nose up in the air and refusing to befriend those whom I deem as "lower-class". I do have friends from all walks of life, of all kinds of backgrounds.

But then I believe one should be selective in choosing one's company. For instance, if the person smokes and someone like me cannot take smoke, it makes sense not to be in the person's company right? Why must I compromise my health and fresh air and make myself so uncomfortable just for the sake of hanging out?

Or if I feel there are better things to do than just indulging in gambling or queuing up for lottery, why should I then waste my time doing things like that when I can spend the same amount of time doing other things which I enjoy, like reading, or playing instruments, or even hanging out at coffee joints with friends whose companies I really enjoy?

Yes, I do not believe in gambling or buying lottery, because there are other uses for one's money. You spend a hard time in the office trying to make that amount and making ends meet, then you turn around and blow so much on some numbers all for the sake of hoping to win the big prize but in the end never did win? It just does not make sense to me.

The bottomline is I know the kind of company I prefer, whether as friends or more. And I know the kind of company I am not comfortable in. So why must I spend time with people I am not comfortable with, and get myself flustered and irritated, when I can spend happier and more enjoyable times with those I am comfortable with?

My friends (or rather, those I hang out with more often) are not the rich and famous types as well. For this, I mean both genders. They come from pretty simple backgrounds too. They are just wage earners, albeit professionals in their fields. The most they have are good education and a thirst for knowledge and learning, and they keep themselves updated with what is going on around the world instead of just playing mahjong or computer games the whole day.

And they are very generous. They know how to treat friends well, especially the guys I do not mind hanging out with, they know how to treat a girl right. They are not the types who splurge on themselves yet pick on everything when they go out with others. I have come across people who spent so much on lottery, or computer games, or upgrade a new car every few months, then when it comes to going out with people, so reluctant to go to a nice cosy place, and still calculate over every little bit of amount spent.

We all know how to balance and control. For instance, each time I go out with a certain guy friend, he will either pick me up from my office or home, then bring me to a nice place for dinner or dessert. And he always picks up the tab, even after I told him not to. I feel quite bad sometimes so I buy him little snacks when we meet up. He drives just a normal car, lives with his parents in a housing estate, and works as an executive in a statutory board.

This is the kind of company I feel most comfortable with - where I can enjoy myself in comfort, knowing I can just be myself, without needing to worry whether the guy will find me too high-maintenance or too high-class. The kind of company where I can talk about anything and everything with no reservations, without any worry that his mind will start triggering off sexual innuendos in what I say. With my female friends, I can be even more laid-back and emotional.

So am I really looking down on some people? Perhaps looking down is too harsh a word. I can also say there are people looking down on me just because they criticise certain things I do or say, or do not wish to be with me just because they do not think I am good enough. Afterall, everyone has his / her preference. Not everyone fits. Just because someone does not fit does not mean he / she is being ostracised. It all boils down to the affinity and chemistry between people.

Perhaps there are people who do not mind having sex all the time, or talking about intimacy with strangers, or flirting with others. And there are people who indulge in gambling, smoking, queuing for lottery and buying big stakes. But that will not be me, because I need to maintain some kind of respect for self as well as others.

I rather spend my money and time on more meaningful things. Likewise, I hope others will do the same as well to me - show some form of respect and not treat me as some kind of sex tool or object. It is not a matter of looking down on others, but just that everyone has his / her own values in life.

And mine just happens to be more conservative and traditional, instead of liberal and open. So instead of fretting why people I meet seem to have different kinds of values, I rather take the time to look for those who share my values in the first place.


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