
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Birthday Celebration

My parents just celebrated my birthday in advance as my dad is going away again tomorrow. Why is it that he can rush back on time for my brother's birthday, yet he cannot stay around for my birthday? My first brother sent me an e-card greeting, well, at least he remembers.

My mum gave me a double treat - two half-kilograms of cake from Awfully Chocolate! One was the Sinfully Chocolate and the other was the Chocolate Banana, both my utmost favourites! My youngest brother was remarking why there was only one candle. So I said just as well, otherwise I will be depressed if I see too many candles. And since there were two cakes, I got to blow out the candle twice and make a wish twice. And I got two big slices of cake from each, making a total of four slices! No wonder I feel so full right now.

My mum just had a long talk with me. She said that I am not getting any younger (which I know!), so I must know what I want out of life. Why does she always assume I do not know what I want? She said she always thought I am like her, but it turned out I am so different from her that she cannot understand my actions sometimes. Does she only realise that now?

She told me to always put myself first in whatever I do, because ultimately the only person that can take care of myself is me, and not anyone else. I know that! But that does not mean I have to be selfish. She said it is not worth it if I keep taking care of others and neglect myself. Well, I take care of myself pretty well, I just like taking care of others more.

She also said it is time to find someone older. So I said I am fed up of older guys and recounted to her my experiences with the few pricks I met. I told her that people around my age range can talk about more interesting things than those guys I met in their thirties. She said generally girls' intellect and sensibility mature faster than guys, so some guys are still rather frivolous and childish even when they are in their thirties, so I just have to look for someone more mature. Only a guy who is mature knows what he really wants and can deem to be truly responsible. Hmmmm....

She was discussing with me about my failed relationships. She said somehow she thought my second guy and I would last as his maturity level was there, but perhaps when he entered the airline, he was like a kid who was thrown into Disneyland so wanted to experience everything first. But after that, he would turn around and settle down.

She said she never thought my third ex and I would ever last for so long, she always thought we would end within a year, as he is still playful and frivolous. She feels that our mentality and intellect are too far apart and somehow incompatible. She asked me what do I look for in a guy? I said I wanted one who can be good to me and filial to his parents, but the problem was that he is too filial that he does not have a mind of his own. She said probably give him another five to ten years, then he may finally be cut off from his parents' apron strings and seriously think of commitment.

She told me to find a responsible guy. The guy need not be that filial to his parents or listen to whatever I say, but the important thing is he must know what he wants out of life and be accountable and committed to the family. She told me no need to look for a very filial one just because he will be a good son, because at the same time, he may also expect me to be like his mother. After all, I am looking for a husband who can take charge of the family, not a son whom I have to mother. She said although my dad gave her lots of nonsense, but the important thing is that he is accountable to us, so she is willing to overlook anything else.

So off I am man hunting again, this time with my mum's blessings. But if I can be so successful in this aspect in the first place, I will not be in this state already. Why does my mum think it is so easy to just find anyone? Making friends is easy, but finding a right compatible one is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sometimes even among your friends, there may not even be anyone right for you.


Connie and Rob said...

Hi there. It was nice to see you stopped by my blog. First of all "Happiest of Birthdays". Sounds like you did great in the sweets department. You got two wishes...maybe they will come true!

shakespeareheroine said...

Thank you very much! I hope my wish(es) come true too!

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