
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Which Group Of Guys Holds The Most Interesting Conversation?

Me + my girlfriends = laughter, jibes, swooning over guys, guy-watching, guy-discussion, relationship discussions, movies, music, whining and complaining, bodily problems, health issues, women issues.

Singaporean Guys + Me = Huh? Don’t understand what you said. You sing and dance? That is so good! Must teach me someday. Have you seen my new car? Do you know how many credit cards I have? Where do you like to go? I can show you a good time! Can I stay over at your place? (For what?! You are not even a close friend!) How I wish I can hold your hand, hug you and touch you all over. (WHAT?!) You should try to lay down your guard and go all the way one day, love-making is a beautiful experience! (With you?! Oh please, don’t make me puke all over!) That is why guys do not want to come after you because guys do not like girls who do not indulge in sex. (Is that so? How come my friends do not think that way?) What do you like to do? Huh, you read and write? So boring! How can you stand it? Write poetry?! That’s for sissies! Can I call you tonight? You know in the army, …….

Disclaimer : Not all Singaporean guys are like that. My close friends are not like that, but most who are not like that are already attached, so most that are not attached, well, one can see why they are not attached.

Malaysian Guys + Me = movies, music, discussion of the difference in the Malay and Indonesian language, religion, books, writing, blogs, work, family life, relationships

Indonesian Guys + Me = movies, music, religion, politics, world news, geography, history, travelling, television series, books, discussion on the difficult words in the Indonesian language, sports, food, writing, blogs, work, family life

Australian Guys + Me = movies, work, music, current affairs, family life, books, sports, relationships

New Zealand Guys + Me = weather, movies, work, music, farming, sheep, dogs, Lord Of The Rings, travelling

Verdict : Indonesians are the funkiest, most knowledgeable, well-read and worldly and most fun to be with, followed by Malaysians.

Singaporean guys still lose out to all (again, I stress, not all locals). Some of these locals really need to upgrade themselves.

I think the main reason is that those foreigners (Indonesians and Malaysians especially) who are able to come here to study and work are already the crème de la crème of their countries, thus they are already smarter and more exposed to things than others.

Normal local guys? Some are too sheltered and spoilt, so most are unwilling to enrich themselves and they do not mind staying stagnant for the rest of their lives. The main problem with some of the local guys is that they have been brought up too pampered, thus always think they are the best and will never accept defeat or rejection, even to the extent of only thinking for their own interests and not caring about the feelings of others.

As a result, these guys become rather egotistical and chauvinistic, and think all women have to swoon over them and accept their advances. So when they meet someone who keep rejecting their advances and crushing their egos by saying they are not the types she is looking for as they are not well-read or knowledgeable or artistically-inclined enough, and they are too sheltered, so too shallow and not exposed enough to things around them, they do not understand what they were doing that was so wrong.

What they cannot understand is that it is not what they are doing, but how they are behaving. They can be in decent jobs and live simple lives, but when a girl says they are not the type she wants, they should jolly well back down graciously instead of trying to irritate the hell out of her. Comparatively, foreigners are more able to accept set-backs and lose out graciously.

Disclaimer : This is just from my own biased point of view, resulted from the different social circles I have. Perhaps I have not met the right crowd of local guys yet.


Ole' Wolvie said...

Or rather you have not met the 'low quality' Indonesians yet :P

shakespeareheroine said...

You're right. I have only met educated and smart Indonesians.

gus said...

WTG my fellow indonesians!!

hahahaha :-)

Gravity Drop said...

A lot of guys that I have met, smoke. Which is a turn off, however I don't think I know much about the Indonesians hahahaa.

shakespeareheroine said...

Gus : :-)

Gravity Drop : I agree with you. Smokers turn me off too.

Anonymous_X said...

Indonesian guys do not bring up issues on relationships? Gosh, what a shame. Heh.

ly said...

Oh man...where do you get to know such horrible singaporean guys? Most, if not all the local guys I know are not like that at all! It's too bad they caused you to have such a bad impression on the local guys.

Ole' Wolvie said...

Despite what you say though, the ratio of male Indonesians that have a Singaporean gf/wife is still much lower than female Indonesians that have a Singaporean bf/husband.
(About 1 : 8 or worse)

Go figure.

gus said...

One theorem... Maslow hierarchy of needs..

SH comes from middle to upper class thus her needs is more on self-actualization.

Indo women.. maybe still at 2nd level - Safety and security level or 3rd level - Love and belongingness (depending on which class they came from) .. so SH's concerns are definitely not the same as theirs

still fresh on my mind.. just made paper on it for my MBA course :P

Anonymous_X said...

Gus, I applaud your attempt in trying to relate SH's article with Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

But to set the premise that "SH comes from middle to upper class thus her needs is more on self-actualization", I'd really have to argue against it.

The top of the pyramid of needs has got nothing to do with one was born in middle or upper class.

It is irrelevant.

Yes, being born in middle or upper class may help to satisfy the first two level of the needs: physiological and safety.

But does it necessarily relate to the fulfilment of love/belonging needs? I'll let the lady blogger to answer it herself (Nah, of course not publicly).

So if being a middle to upper class-er has not guaranteed the fulfillment of the above third need, let alone the forth one ("esteem") or the final one ("self-actualization").

shakespeareheroine said...

Anon_X & Gus : So far I think I have only fulfilled the bottom two levels. Esteem, maybe. Self-actualisation, a little, still finding myself. Social, not yet, still searching. SO I still have three out of five needs not fulfilled.

And yes, Indonesian guys do talk about relationships. Somehow I seem to have overlooked that.

Ly : Well... as I said, perhaps I'm jsut running around in the wrong group.

Ole Wolvie : I'm not surprised. Somehow women will want to marry up. Thus lots of Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Malaysian women have no qualms marrying average Singaporean guys as they can have a better life. If I'm to find someone, I would also like to find a guy better than me in everything.

Coybow Caleb : I presume you're Malaysian? You're a nice guy, your wife is indeed lucky to have you!

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