
Sunday, October 16, 2005

Local Men Vs Foreign Men

I had a very tiring but fulfilling day, which started with a buffet at Copthorne Orchid Hotel with my family, then watched "Flight Plan" at Great World City with K and a friend of his, proceeded to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner over live music, and ended with a trip to Borders where I managed to get the entire set of Dan Brown's novels (all four books!) at a bargain price.

I just discovered a new series of books by this author called "Christian Jacq". He writes on the ancient Egyptian Kingdom, Valley of the Kings, excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun (I always wanted to know the cause of his sudden death), and the wars between the Egyptian slaves and the other tribes. I have yet to explore that era of history except for Cleopatra and a bit on King Ramses II. I believe I will be going down to Borders more often to check out the books.

I have been accused of being a SPG. That is sooooooo not true! The typical stereotype of SPGs is that they only go for Caucasian guys and will do what they can to get a Caucasian guy. For me, I still prefer Chinese guys over any other race. I am not being racist or anything, but I just prefer my own kind.

I think what triggered off the misunderstanding was I mentioned I prefer talking to foreign guys over local guys. What I meant was I really enjoy talking to my foreign friends - Indonesian Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, New Zealand Chinese, Australian Chinese, etc, especially the Indonesians - as I deem them more worldly and knowledgeable. It is more interesting and enriching talking to them.

Local guys seem more shallow and sheltered in comparison. Their topics of conversation mostly range from how established they are in their work, what vehicle they drive, how good a time they can provide, my opinion on sex. Nothing else. At least I can talk about world issues, information technology, economics, music, movies, human nature, sports, food, relationships, likes and dislikes, literature and arts and much more with my foreign friends. Local guys (at least the ones I have come across lately) do not seem to have a wide scope of conversation topics and I cannot discuss intellectual issues with them.

Local guys are complaining that they are losing the local girls to foreigners, but face it, foreigners are just more independant, worldly and interesting. Local guys are more pampered, spoilt and childish (not referring to all). I have hardly come across a local guy (except for a few exceptions) who can carry on an intelligent and interesting conversation without involving sex, the car they drive, the amount they earn, or how good a time they can give. Neither have I met many local guys (again with the exception of a few) who can discuss about humanities and actually know what I mean when I mention the seven wonders of the world, or the Pelopponesian War, or the Big Bang Theory or when I take a quote or a parody of a character from a book.

For instance, a friend of mine did not seem to have any idea what I was talking about when I said I wanted to watch "Pride and Prejudice" to see how Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy are portrayed on screen. He also did not know what I was referring to when I mentioned Jane Austen, Emma and Sense and Sensibility. When I asked him about reading, he said he hates reading and writing as they will bore him to tears, since reading and writing is more of a girl's pastime. Whoever said that?

Or maybe it is just me. Perhaps my interests are too uncommon, or too weird, so not many people can really relate. I have friends who do Literature and History (not together though), but even they do not go in to such depths as I do. They stopped reading up once they graduated, but for me, I still read and research, simply because I am interested. Like currently, I am surfing for more information on Native Americans as I like to find out exactly how many tribes there were, and how Thanksgiving in America started.

I cannot profess I am a complex or knowledgeable person because I still have a lot to learn. I always believe in life-long learning and I will prefer a partner who is worldly and knowledgeable as I like to be enriched after talking to him. After all, when people look for mates, they will always choose the best available there is. So in the event that I do end up with a foreigner, it is because of what is inside him, not because of what is on the surface.

Perhaps if some of the local guys can stop showing off, control their hormones and be more well-read, then they may stand a chance as I do believe local girls still go for intelligence and communication over anything else. Most local guys think that being literal is considered a form of weakness. There is nothing wrong in being a knowledgeable or literal person. In fact, girls will appreciate more if guys do not mind doing what they deem as "girly" stuff like reading, writing and poetry. And why would they think these are "girly" stuff anyway?


Goy said...

Aiyo...are u generalising? lol. However, I feel that it's because its our society is just being pragmatic. That's why people talk more about their salary, their status and their achievements. However, not all of them are like that la.

Xenia Mesot said...

Cool blog, I like it a lot!

I had stopped dating American guys after having a few bad experiences - not because they are not well-rounded (which is true for the majority), but because I had felt like my mentality was too different, or perhaps there were too many cultural differences. To your point, one American guy that I dated had read 5 (!!) books in his entire life and was PROUD of it! However, truth be told, my last American ex was extremely well-read, spoke multiple languages and held 2 Masters degrees. People are soooo different... But there're definite trends for the majority.

I'm currently working on a book about makeovers - check it out, might find it interesting:

gus said...

Don't close the door/book just because its approach is wrong. Keep open mind at all times.

generallization/ stereotyping won't get you anywhere :-)

good luck..

Anonymous_X said...

But don't you think the local girls ought to be held somewhat responsible as well for failing to 'guide' the (local) guys how to rightly court them girls?

This is if you concur that both party have to do their part & not just to expect an instantaneous miracle that the guys could be transformed overnight.

Now you can accuse me sexist, though it's equality between sexes what the underlying message is all about.

shakespeareheroine said...

Ole Wolvie : hmmmm......

Goy : I know not all are like that, I already stated there are exceptions.

Xenia : Thanks for sharing.

Gus : Thanks, I'm still keeping an open mind.

Anon_X : Actually I believe local girls have "guided" the local guys, at least I know I have, but from recent experience, some of those guys just refuse to listen and think they are still doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, the world and even singapore is a big place to live in, there are intellects and there are simple practical people, there are rich, and there are poor, there are people who like to know history etc but there are people who live just by "sex".....welll I believe in every country there will be prince, and pauper, businessmen and rubbish

I just think that you are mixing with people in certain catogaries and so you have that opinion...for me, your kind is rare in my friendship world, ad all my friends are down to earth, like to talk about practical issues like riches and sex...and am open minded about such issues so...what I meant is that different people in different groups, have different mindset of things in life....well that is the reality of living ya....then you have to choose which group you like to be with them then....

and it si also like choosing your life partner, it is all about preference, preference, preference....but remember people do change with times and all good or bad things won't last forever.....;-)

Live, Laugh & Love without taking life so seriously and you will be fine living in this world lah...

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