
Friday, October 7, 2005

Still A Bummer....

The job agent for the small firm called me today and asked me if I have made up my mind. She kept saying that if the big company is willing to hire me they would have gotten back to me within a few days and I need not wait until next week. She said if I am sincere in taking up the job with her clients then I would not have hesitated to hold on already. She even said the other company would of course tell all its candidates that they have a high chance so as to keep them hopeful.

Whatever it is, she need not have said all these actually. She sounded as if she is hoping I would not get the other job. Anyway she said she will ask the clients to wait until Monday latest for my reply. Perhaps I should just turn down the job regardless whether I get the ST job and hold on for a better offer. The agent sounds so unprofessional and unethical to me. I thought in every business the competition is supposed to be fair and square, so no one is allowed to undercut each other?

The recruitment period seems to be simmering. I used to get called for five interviews a day and about twelve per week, now I get by with just one, and I only attended three interviews this week (if you count the one at a recruitment agency). Perhaps it is due to the end of the year and everyone is holding on for bonuses, except for unfortunate people like me who has to forego my Christmas bonus for this year.

I think I created a bit of a misunderstanding in my earlier post. When I said nice decent guys who do not ask me out, I am not including the casual outings like the occasional meal and movie out with my friends; rather what I meant was that for those who seem to be pursuing me so far are only pricks. There do not seem to have any nice decent guys pursuing me.

Just like that other weird guy who had already called me thrice this week, often at odd hours. When I am not working, I will normally sleep until I decide to wake up. He had been calling me at 7:00 am and asking if I was free to meet him in the day. So I told him not to wake me up so early in the morning and do not ask me for a date on the day itself as I have other plans. He asked why would I say it was early? So I replied it was normal for working people, but very early for non-working people! So he promised to call me later, and I received a call from him at 8:00 am yesterday. When my mobile woke me up and I saw who was calling, I just could not be bothered and went back to sleep. Then he called me at 9:00 am this morning! Arrrgh!!! When I said later, I do not mean after every one-hour interval!

Why do some guys think persistence will pay off? If it is persistence in a good way that will pay off. But if it is persistence until he bugs the girl and irritates the hell out of her, then of course that will not pay off. For the girl to even respond to the guy's persistence in the first place, she must at least have a good impression or does not mind knowing him better. And when a girl says she does not wish to meet the guy, that means she does not have a good impression and is not interested to know him better, so she really does not want to meet him. It does not equate to playing hard to get to see how sincere the guy is.

I have enough of irritating pricks! How I wish I can just meet someone nice and good enough to befriend for once, instead of always having to deal with pests.


Ole' Wolvie said...

You know what they say,

Be careful what you wish for :D

shakespeareheroine said...

That's why I wish for good things!

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