
Thursday, October 27, 2005

LASIK : Yes? No?

Ever since two years back, I have been contemplating whether to go under the knife. Not for plastic surgery (I still like all my body parts to be fully natural), but for corrective vision. I was born with perfect eyesight, but through the years, perhaps due to genetics or too much reading or too much studying or too much stress, my vision became worse and worse.

Although my eyesight had not decreased for the past twelve years or so, still I like my eyes to go back to their original state before this myopia started. But I am the type who faints at the sight of blood and needles (I can never even go for an injection without kicking up a big fuss, which explains why I am so reluctant to take a flu vaccination), thus I have not been brave enough to go through with the ordeal.

Every time when I am faced with major decisions, I have to set out a list of pros and cons to determine whether I should or should not go ahead. I think I shall start with the surgery first.

Cons :

1. It is very expensive, at least S$5,000.00 one time payment.

2. I will have many needles poking into me!

3. What if there are side effects? What will happen? I do not wish to end up getting blind!

Pros :

1. S$5,000.00 one time payment in exchange for perfect vision for the rest of my life. (Very big factor to sway my decision.)

2. Put it this way - giving birth is probably much more painful and difficult.

3. My cousin-in-law is an eye surgeon at Gleneagles Hospital, so he will take good care of me if I ever ask him to do the surgery.

So far, there seems to be more advantageous to go ahead with the surgery. But what if I decide to stick to lenses?

Cons :

1. Contact Lens (1 year's supply) ------------------ S$160.00
Contact Lens Solution (6 times a year) ---------- S$120.00
Contact Lens Storage Case ---------------------- S$ 24.00
(to be disposed after every month)
Total expenses per year ------------------------ S$304.00

If I live on for another fifty years, it will be 50 x S$304.00 = S$15,200.00

2. My eyes will get dry and be deprived of oxygen from the long wearing of the lenses and the lining of my cornea will deteriorate.

3. Prescriptive swimming goggles and sunglasses cost twice as much as normal ones.

Pros :

1. I do not need to go through having so many needles being poked into me. (Another very big factor to sway my decision.)

Now I cannot think of anymore pros of wearing lenses except for the sheer vanity and convenience of not wearing glasses. But if I go for corrective surgery, I will not need to wear any glasses or lenses at all, nor spend time every night cleaning, disinfecting and soaking the lenses.

So shall I or shall I not do it? Thinking of all the needles being poked into me is a big turn-off indeed, despite all the pros I have stated out why I should go ahead with the surgery.

Arrrrgggghhhh! Another major decision which I cannot make up my mind on!


Anonymous said...

in reality there's not much of the needles poking u during the surgery. The only uncomfortable thing is they will use smthing to pry open ur eyes & make it stay open & they will cut the cornea in a flash. Fast & painless surgery. Highly recommended if u want perfect vision without all the hustle of wearing glasses & contacts.

Aiweina said...

opps..posted comment wrongly on previous post.

My hubby had 500 degrees in his left eye for astig alone...and short-sightedness is about 800 and 700, i think. We paid US$1,500 and went for 2 pre-op appointment before the actual precedure which took like 10 mins. The very next day we had our 1st post-op check-up. Followed by 2 more times at a later date, all included in the initial amount.

It was not 100% perfect as he still has a small degree of short-sightedness due to his high astig.

one of his colleague cannot go for it at the end cause he had some eye condition that does not make him a suitable candidate for the procedure...

ask more questions like success rate and all that.

Anonymous_X said...

The intent of listing Pro & Con is to get a clear picture how one outweighs another.

You should be able to decide on your own by now. Really.

On a different note, I think a girl who wear glasses is still cute. So not much an issue of vanity, is there?

shakespeareheroine said...

Anon : Pry my eyes and cut open the cornea?! Yucks, sounds even scarier.

Aiweina : I don't have astig, only rather high myopia. I have heard of people with very high astig who cannot get perfect vision after the surgery as well.

Anon_X : Fact is I still cannot make up my mind. Whether to go for surgery or not still have factors which sway my decision.

Cowboy Caleb said...

yes go

shakespeareheroine said...

Cowboy Caleb : What a big honour! Thanks for dropping by, and I have more or less made up my mind in going for the surgery, once I raise enough cash.

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