
Sunday, October 9, 2005

Driving Me Crazy .....

I really cannot stand my brother at times. I never saw another guy who is so spoilt. I thought of all the guys I have come across the one that is the most spoilt would be my first ex, but I think my brother can now win him hands down.

My brother is the most calculative and petty guy I have seen. I thought my other brother is petty until he went overseas and has learnt to control himself a lot more. The other day I needed some loose change so I took $10 worth of coins out from his box, and replaced it with $15 of my own and left a note. One thing about my brother is that he counts his money every week just to make sure that no one lays hands on them and he does not want to put his cash in a bank as he said the money would not be in his sight. I used to joke that if he keeps up that habit of his, one day a thief is going to come in and rob him dry.

Anyway, he screamed at me last night for touching his coins without his permission. I said I left a note as he was not at home, and it was not as if I stole his money, just exchanged. He said he likes his coins the way they are, what gives me the right to just take his coins out? I said I gave him an extra $5 as gratitude, and besides, all my old notes collection (the Orchid series, Birds series and Ship series) were taken by him and I did not even say anything about that. He even said that if I am going to start rummaging around his room, he will lock his room every time he is not in from now on. Then what about all my missing stationery and books that somehow reappeared in his room?

He said that he did not even charge me rent for always watching his FRIENDS series, and everytime I use the PC longer than him, and he still helps me keep my parents in the dark about my latest job status. Hello, then what about all the General Paper, Literature, History, Geography and English essays I helped him with? Who was the one that always took the blame for him whenever something happened? As if I was not being scolded enough by my parents, and I still had to take the blame for him whenever he got into big trouble.

I helped him switch off his lights this morning just so to save electricity, and he screamed at me for entering his room. Then what about all the times he just went to my room and had afternoon naps on my bed, despite his sweaty self? How many times do I have to change my bedsheet because of him? And he even locks my room door whenever he wanted to take a nap there, and I could not even knock on the door of my room as he would start screaming if he was woken up. Yet he could just barge into my room without knocking even if my door is closed, yet he always locks himself in his room just so no one would bother him.

He wanted to eat lunch at 3:00 pm this afternoon. My maid cooked some porridge, and by the time it was 3:00 pm, the porridge would have settled. He screamed at my maid and asked her what type of porridge that was. I told him the porridge had settled as it had been a few hours, and he just told me to shut up and ordered my maid to take away his porridge. I advised him not to behave in such a spoilt way, and he retorted that I have no right to talk to him if I am going to take his money without his permission. Can you believe this?! Does he even know what is respect, be it to people above or under him?

And he finished the Magnolia Chocolate Vanilla ice-cream I bought without saving any for me (half a tub!), yet screamed at me for finishing up the Fanta Grape Juice which he bought, even though there was only a quarter glass left. I wonder if he ever finds a girlfriend and get married, see which girl is willing to pick up after him all the time.

Just when I thought I can just spend a lazy Sunday catching up on all my DVD movie watching, I get pissed by members of my own family. Besides my brother pissing me off the whole day, my parents chose to watch their own DVDs using the DVD player. When I asked if I could watch DVDs for just a couple of hours, they told me to use the VCD player! I told them there is a difference between a DVD and a VCD player. My dad, as usual, always thinks he knows everything, and told me that both are the same, otherwise how can a DVD player plays VCDs as well? So I explained that DVD players are of a higher technology, that is why they can play VCDs, but a VCD player cannot play DVDs. He just refused to believe and my brother was again using the computer so I had to occupy my time reading newspapers and books.

My family really drives me crazy sometimes, especially that spoilt brat who always thinks the entire world has to be at his disposal. Why is it that my parents allow him to get away with everything, but when it comes to me, things are different? Even since young, I always had to be punished whenever any of my brothers did something, as if they could not even bear to lay hands on any of them. Seems like it is true after all - Chinese parents still favour boys, no matter which era it is.

Whatever I do is always wrong, whatever they do is always right. Is it any wonder I do not tell them things? Why should I get blamed again for things that may have been out of my control? I really really wish I am the only child, or the youngest, then I can get my own due share of affection. I hate being the eldest child!


Goy said...

Maybe you should spend some time away from home if such a thing happen. In that way, you wouldn't have much conflicts between your family members. As for your brother, maybe it's time to draw the line I guess?He's a bit too much arh..

Ole' Wolvie said...


You always said 'what about the time he did xxx' here. Did you try 'reminding' him?

I tend to favor the philosophy: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". But that's only for *starters*. After that is : "Do unto others as what they have done unto you".

In other words, always start nice. If the other person don't appreciate it, I'll just find someone else to be nice to.

The first few (or even lots of it) are free. The rest gotta be earned.

shakespeareheroine said...

Goy : Used to them already, doesn't mean I like it any more than before.

Ole Wolvie : No point reminding, cos he's the type who thinks everyone's obligated to do things for him.

blue said...

i have a brother like yours too... i dont mean to be bias but perhaps it lead me to think that some guys,when they are the youngest in the family, they really think they are on the top of the world...

shakespeareheroine said...

I know what you mean. THe youngest is always the most spoilt, and worse still if it's a guy.

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