
Monday, October 17, 2005

Pay It Forward

I have been doing some self-reflection and realise that there are certain things I need to change about myself. For instance, I have to stop feeling upset by what others do to me. And although it is human nature to hope that good things happen to you just because you always do things to others which turn out to be good, I like to stop all these and just do things without hoping or expecting that what goes around will come around.

Kevin Spacey in the movie "Pay It Forward" puts it very well. It is hard for one person to change the world, but it is not impossible. It is all in your mind whether you want to make a difference. I did not have the chance to watch the show when it came out, but the concept behind the show is truly inspiring and what I hope for that will change in the world and society.

It is time for me to stop hoping things will happen and just make things happen. So from now on, I want to constantly remind myself that everytime I try to help someone and do something nice for someone, that person will do something nice for another person, and so on. Only by paying it forward can one make a difference.

I know I still live in an idealistic dream world, but I do believe that people are kind-hearted in nature. They only need to make the effort to do something nice for others. It is really a wonderful concept and sometimes, the simplest idea can truly make the biggest difference indeed.


Anonymous said...

Hi Celia, I thik what you are thinking of doing right now, is really something which is a great thing to adopt......that is doing good things for others without thinking of anything in return but hope that the good deed or action will make a difference in this world.

In this world people are always too busi to care for others as they are too concern for themselves or their own loved ones, let's all make a difference by doing our part to do good to all, even strangers without any hidden agenda, then little by little the world will become a better place for all to live in.

Live, Laugh & I say....not only your very own, but to strangers too!!!

Anonymous_X said...

Nothing's wrong with an idealistic dream world. :) At least, it's a positive one & it's a good way to think that way, especially when today is the first day of your new job.

blue said...

great attitude for a great gal! Cheers!don't worry, having such good virtues will def land you with a good mate.(some encouragement for you (:

shakespeareheroine said...

Anon_X and Blue Angel : Thanks! :-)

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