
Monday, June 13, 2005

A Blogger's Reflections ....

As I compare my blog with my friend's, I asked him where in the world he got his inspiration from? This is the same person who told me that he had not much inspiration nowadays on what to write. If he can write this well without inspiration (or so he claimed), I shudder to think of what he will write if he suddenly has an outburst of inspiration.

When I started blogging, it was only on a trial basis. I had no idea how far I would go or how fast I would dry up, considering I have not written much for about 7 years, except for a few sparse entries now and then. Whenever I thought of writing again, I could not find the right inspiration or let the words flow like before. Then suddenly, I stumbled into this particular friend's blog and all my creative juices were unleashed at the same time. It was as if something held me back, and unexpectedly, ideas just started to flow. This is the reason why I can sometimes post so many entries in a day. Once my ideas come, I have to write them down, otherwise everything will be gone.

When I started blogging, it was purely for my own enjoyment. I have forgotten how joyful it is to pen your thoughts down. When the comments started coming in, I felt encouraged that people actually took notice. Today, a blogger from the US wanted to use one of my entries to post in a sampler blog. I am totally flattered and overwhelmed. Although that is just a start, but it seems that I may have finally reached a worldwide audience.

My blogging experiment has been successful beyond my dreams. Thanks RP for giving me the inspiration to start and to keep going. :-) Also thanks to all of you out there who takes the time to read and support my blog.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a brilliant blog! I didn't know ya were Catholic tho. I'm a Catholic too, so are quite a few of the people in SLO. *grins* I always believe a blog is a personal thing, an I think you've got a fantastic writing style.

I can't wait for Street scene, it's sounding fantastic. A little difficult perhaps, but we've all done difficult pieces, so I'm not worried. I'm just a lil irked by the difficulty travelling to the silly place. *shudders*

Anyway... Heya, can't wait to see ya tomorrow for prac. Take care.

~Jon Khoo

sonic said...

I think you're selling yourself short. Agree with Jon that you have a great writing style and you deserve to be featured on a bigger arena. And you definitely have steady steam of ideas to write. Keep it up and have fun!

shakespeareheroine said...

Thanks Jon for your encouragement and feedback. I really appreciate it.

Well well, the great Sonic has finally left a comment! Thanks a lot, it really means so much to me. Totally honoured and flattered.

Thanks guys for giving me this boost of confidence. I hope you'll continue supporting me!

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