
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Men and Sex : A Co-relation?

What is it about men and sex? Just because a woman is willing to be friendly and talk to a guy he naturally assumes she wants to have sex with him?! How shallow can people be? Just because a couple is in a relationship does it give the guy the right to always force himself on her or demand sex all the time? That is so wrong. If the guy cannot even respect his girlfriend, then I do not think he really loves her like he claims.

An acquaintance of mine just added me into his Friendster and instant messaging program. The first question he asked was whether I met up with many guys I see online. So I said so far I only got to know 5 guys online, and 2 of them have become my good friends. Which got him asking the next question : Do I like to have flings with the guys I meet online? Hello!!! Do I really give people the impression I am such a shallow horny b****?!

This is really unbelievable. Here I am, just managed to change my opinion of guys in general due to recent events, but I seem to be crushed by actions again. Well, perhaps I should not be so unfair. My male friends are really pretty decent people. I just cannot believe there are still guys my age or older who behaves like a shallow teenager with raging hormones and like to have flings. Isn't he afraid of getting AIDS or other STDs?

I never believe in pre-marital sex. Call me old-fashioned or traditional or what you will, but I always believe the sacred act is only for the marriage bed. Even if it is not what my religion preaches, it is how I had been brought up. Thus the guy I end up marrying must share my ideals. Which means it is still best I go for someone of the same religion so he definitely can share my ideals. Which got me wondering, if a particular someone had read my last few posts, does he suspect anything yet?


Anonymous_X said...

Just because he's of the same religion, it doesn't necessarily mean that he can definitely share your ideals.

One religion may say that it's the only way of salvation. Some of the followers may then have a thinking that the rest of the ignorant lambs have to be forced to accept that religion. Because it's for their own good, isn't it?

Other followers may also think: Hey, then let us give an example how our religion has taught us to be better, loving people. Then perhaps they will see themselves that it's indeed the way of salvation & choose to be saved.

See how people of the same religion may still have different ideals?

shakespeareheroine said...

That I agree. However I do not impose my religion on others as I believe people will convert only if they truly believe. But religious teachings on certain issues are about the same, so that's why I want to find someone of the same religion so that it's easier to get along with each other as both understand the teachings.

It has been hard for me to date people who are not of the same religion as they will forever question the existence of God and biblical teachings. Part of the reason for my recent breakup was because he does not believe so he's forever questioning why it's wrong to have sex or cohabit. As far as he was concerned he did not think it was wrong. But for this, I do not compromise as it is against all my ideals and teachings.

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