
Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Blog And I : A Controversy

As I was sieving through research sites yesterday, I came across several local bloggers and the controversy forums surrounding them. A brilliant scholar had to shut down his blog just because he put out his honest views on the scholarship system. A few weeks back, another brilliant scholar was slammed by the public just because she gave her opinion on how certain people behaved. This sparked off a rage and she had to make a public apology. Is it really necessary to be so drastic?

What exactly is the purpose of a blog? In my opinion, a blog acts exactly like a diary. Thus whatever that is said is supposed to be personal. But it is more than a diary as in anyone can have access to it, not like a real diary where nobody else can read. Since people are willing to share their personal opinions and thoughts, can we fault them for giving their own opinions? Afterall, a blog can also have a degree of anonymity. For instance, my readers know my thoughts and actions, but do not know what I look like (except for those I have a chance to meet), or how old exactly I am. You may get as far as knowing my first name, but probably that is all you will ever know. I feel that what one can say on a blog is very subjective. It depends on how much you are willing to share.

One forum brought up that since a blog is supposed to be an online diary of sorts, then does it really matter what is written? Another forum said that a blog is an avenue for venting frustrations, so it is perfectly alright if people want to write what they want. And yet a third forum said that even though a blog is personal like a diary, but people will get to read what is in it, so a blog should not contain defamatory stuff. And by defamatory stuff, it essentially means nothing to be said against any government bodies or systems or people's characters.

But in the first place, why must people fear what others say of them? Aren't we all brought up to take criticisms and value feedback so as to be able to improve? Every organization I work for all thrive on feedback. Thus, I find it an irony that people cannot give their own views on certain things.

I, for one, definitely have lots of things to say. But I better not spill anything. I do not wish for what I say to offend people and for my blog to be shut down for nothing. Hence, I will keep a stony silence.


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