
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Singlehood vs Couplehood

Nowadays, people around me are hooking up one after another. Just when one of my close friends started on his very first relationship, another one of my guy friends just started another relationship with a girl we both know. (Actually I have been suspecting for quite some time now, the way those two were carrying on.) Seems like love is in the air and Cupid has been running around being busy this period of time. Maybe my next mission would be to find someone for my best friend and my godbrother.

Being in relationships can be considered one of life's little ironies. When you are involved, you try your best to get out. You start to think how carefree singles are. You think that being single means a lot of free time to yourself, and you can do anything you like at whatever time you like without needing to report to anyone or catering to someone else's schedules. It is true to a certain extent. But being single will not enable one to enjoy the flood of love, warmth, companionship and happiness where only couples who are truly in love will enjoy.

When you are single, although you value your freedom, but you start to yearn for a companion as it is meaningless to enjoy everything by yourself. You may have a group of great friends, but sometimes it is just different. You start to envy couples who can do things together. And for someone who values companionship more than freedom, it is even more lonely and yearning. Hence the saying : The grass is always greener on the other side.

Meanwhile, I think I will try to hook up my friends. Starting with my best friend, then my godbrother, maybe next will be another individual whom I've been hinting about introducing girls to. (Yes, R, it's you!)


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