
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Lessons From Opera Singing (Tips For Novice Singers)

1. Always take a deep breath 3 counts before singing the note. Breathing 1 count in advance is too late.

2. Clench your bottom and stiffen up the muscles in order to reach a high note.

3. Project your voice from the diaphragm (the stomach muscles must go in and out), not from the throat, otherwise you will develop vocal problems.

4. Think of a sharp object whenever you fear you are going flat on the tone and pitch.

5. Do not close your mouth while humming. The lips must be slightly open.

6. You must try to hold your breath for at least 12 counts in order to sustain a long note.

7. Always do 15 minutes of warming up exercises and lip drills before you start singing so as to project your voice properly and clearly.

8. Do not strain your voice. If you cannot reach the note, DON'T!


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