
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Abortion In Any Aspect

Sometimes I feel that only homo sapiens per se lead very complicated lives. Look at all the wild animals around. What do they do? Hunt, eat, sleep, mate, fight for survival and die. What do humans do? We still eat, sleep, mate and eventually die, but in fighting for survival, we quarrel, backstab, back-bite, carry tales, kill, murder, get so frustrated and stressed, resulting in schizophrenic and psychopathic tendencies.

Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent of the lot, but yet we complicate things due to the vast knowledge and intelligence we have. Does higher intelligence kills off simplicity in life, peace, harmony and virtues? What an irony that in this era of advanced technology and higher intelligence, morals and traditions die out. Is it due to the modern freedom of choice? Freedom of choosing things is a good thing, and shows how far we have come compared to the olden days of not having to choose your path of life, and who you want to marry.

But what if you choose to do the wrong thing? How would you know what is right or wrong? For instance, murdering someone is wrong, but what about your own child? Is abortion acceptable if the foetus is abnormal and even if it is borne, will not survive long in the world? Is abortion acceptable if the child has some abnormality and will come out as a mutant, so would it be better to just kill the child off rather than let him suffer in this harsh and cruel world?

How often have we seen and heard reports of new-born babies being dumped into the dustbins or thrown down from a high-rise building? All these cases were mostly by young, unwed mothers. If you choose to give the child life, then make sure you stick with it. Do not harm an innocent baby, especially a baby whom you spend hours of painful labour to deliver, just to escape the responsibility of bringing up a young life. Even for someone like me who has never given birth yet know how painful childbirth is, what about someone who has given birth and so would have experienced the pain and agony? Is she so cruel to let her baby die after going through all those agony? If someone delivers a baby just to have him / her killed, then for goodness sake do not bring the child into this world! I am not condoning abortion as it is also a very cruel act by killing off your own child, but between abortion and dumping the baby after he / she is born, abortion will still be a more humane choice.

At times it is really hard to determine which is right or wrong. In Christianity, no abortion is allowed as having children are supposed to be gifts from God. But what if people indulge in sin, having pre-marital sex and one-night stands and just happened to be so unlucky that the jackpot was hit after one session? (Think Ross and Rachel from FRIENDS.) Is it right to get rid of the baby? If you have made a mistake, then face the consequences of your actions. An unwanted baby is the dire consequence of having fun and being wild.

But what if the girlfriend gave in to the boyfriend’s demands and got pregnant as a result? Is the baby considered unwanted then? Chances are the girlfriend may want the baby, but I know of a lot of guys who get cold feet and either forced the girlfriend to get rid of the baby, or just totally abandon the girlfriend. But there are guys who are willing to take the responsibility, except perhaps the girl may not want the baby. It works both ways I guess.

What if the poor girl was raped or gang-raped and she got pregnant as a result? The baby is definitely unwanted as it will only serve as a reminder of her ordeal. So would it be wrong to abort then? Still, I always feel that a life is a life, no matter how small or how unwanted it is, thus it is wrong to deprive anyone of a life. But in circumstances like these, who are we to say what is right or wrong? We are not the ones who have been through these ordeals, so we will never be able to understand fully the emotional trauma the said victims have to go through.


Anonymous said...

Yes interesting articel and arguments......and I personally think that this decision should be left to the one or couple involved as a decision is a decision. Outsiders may give their most wise comments, but you are not the one involved so I think it is left to the individual who is in that circumstances to look at all option and make an intelligent or sometimes not so intelligent decision...well life goes on ya.

Let's not play God and decide what is right or wrong....God look deep inside each of our heart to see our most inner intention.....

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