
Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Yin And The Yang

Why is the Earth created? Where does everything come from? These are questions which are never really answered. Yet everything around are in extremes. Opposites. Light and darkness. The sun and the moon. Land and sea. Water and sand. Woman and man. Heaven and Hell. Genesis (the creation) and Revelations (the Holocaust). The theory of the Yin and the Yang - everything is at opposite ends so all things balance out. Darkness is Yin as opposed to the Yang of Light. Woman is Yin and Man is Yang (I heard this somewhere). The Moon is Yin and the Sun is Yang. All occur synonymously with each other, so one cannot do without the other.

No one can ever explain why after the hot sweltering heat during the era of the dinosaurs came the other extreme - the Ice Age. Or why are there just as many desert islands in the world as ice lands. Or why summer time is unbearably hot and winter becomes unbearably cold (although I will so love to experience winter). Where is the balance? Fine weather after the Ice Age, water in between the deserts and ice, and Spring and Autumn.

Everything has two opposite extremes. Like the left-wing and right-wing politics. Capitalist and command economies. Believers and non-believers of higher beings. Even the extreme high pressure of flying in the air and the extreme low pressure of diving under the sea. And why can there never be consensus without conflict. Where is the balance here then?

Just like in human nature, there are people who can be extremely evil as well as extremely good. One can love someone to the very soul, as well as hate someone to the very core. There is also extreme ugliness as well as extreme beauty, both in physical form and human traits. Where there is a pretty girl or handsome guy, there will be a not-so-good-looking girl or guy. But where do the rest of us fit in? We (the average lookers and the normal ones who probably dish out the good with the bad) are the ones that give balance to the Yin and the Yang.

The forces of nature can conspire against us to tilt to one extreme, but ultimately we must never forget to go back to the middle and continue the balance. Otherwise there will be disaster if one end is tilted too much to the extreme. It is best to be the balance of both ends.


Goy said...

When you talk about this, you remind me of a book i read which was Sophie's World. Haha..

shakespeareheroine said...

Yes, come it think of it, it is a lot like Sophie's World, isn't it? Which reminds me, I need to re-read the book again.

Goy said...

Yup yup, it is a good book alright. Makes you kinda think deep.

Ole' Wolvie said...

You seem to be confused between 'balance' and 'neutrality'.

Things can be balanced without having any neutrality. (Like a see-saw). If you have 10 evil things, and 10 good things, that is also a balance. If you add 5 neutral things, it it still balanced.

Another example is: There are people who believe in higher powers, there are those who don't, and there are those who don't care either way (neutrals).

And as you go higher in the air, the pressure goes lower, not higher :D

Ole' Wolvie said...

Pressure is caused by the weight of molecules pressing on a surface.

If you go down deeper into the sea, you have a lot more water on you = more pressure.

If you go up higer into the sky, you get less air molecules (that's why high mountain climbers bring air tanks) = less weight = less pressure.

shakespeareheroine said...

Oh I see. Now I got my confusion cleared. Thanks for the info.

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