
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hair There And Everywhere

My mum asked me to cut my hair last night. What?! Cut away my crowning glory?! NO!!!! I took almost a decade just to grow my hair back to this length, and one full rebonding session to get rid of the curls before my hair becomes this soft and silky, and now she wants me to get rid of it?

She complained it is too long, the ends and edges are all uneven and will be prone to split ends. She said if I must have long hair, keep it around chest level at the most, as anything longer will give a “messy” appearance. But if I cut the edges away, my curls will come back, and I do not want that, at least not until I have the time to go for another proper rebonding job. I am finally able to just slide my comb through my hair without any hassle, so no way am I going back to the old days of wavy hair where I have to take pains trying to detangle all the strands while brushing and combing.

Strangely, I never really cared how my hair looked like until after my rebonding job. At times when I was too pressed for time to curl my hair properly, I just let it be and the waves just curled on their own. But my hair became very messy as the curls were all over, ie some curled in, some curled out, so there was no proper style. After rebonding, everything became straight, so I do not have to worry about how my hair is like anymore.

Yet with straighter hair, I seem to want to take more care of it when it is much easier to maintain. Where in the past I would just brush my hair haphazardly and go out, now I will make sure I brush properly, and comb through before going out. In the past after washing my hair, I will leave it to dry naturally before brushing the curls. Now, I will comb through to detangle every strand, letting it dry naturally and comb through again after it is dry. Perhaps it is just human nature – when one had spent quite a bit on something, one will want to keep and maintain it in good condition to make it last as long as possible.

My aunt once remarked that I have rebonded my hair for more than a year now, why is it still as straight and sleek? When my cousin rebonded her hair, all the waves started coming back after a year or so, although none of my relatives have hair as wavy as mine. I discovered that a major part of hair maintenance has a lot to do with the shampoo one uses.

After I went for rebonding, the hair salon gave me a special shampoo and hair mask which I had to use for the first month and until they finished. After that, I just used my own shampoo, conditioner and treatment mask. I do not even stick to the same brand; I just buy whatever I fancy at that point in time whenever my old shampoo ran out.

So far I have used Pantene, Organics, Dove (all old formulas), Clairol Herbal Essence and Vidal Sassoon. Dove is still the best – my hair really becomes sleeker and silkier just after one use! Pantene and Organics are not bad too! If the older formulas of the shampoo is already good, then I really cannot wait to try out the newer improved formulas, as they will be even better! Clairol Herbal Essence only smells nice, but does nothing effective to the hair whatsoever. I find my hair actually tangled up more after using it. The same goes for Vidal Sassoon – my hair would tangle and the hair treatment cream did nothing for my hair.

So now I want to stock up on shampoos, conditioners and hair serums. When my mum goes grocery shopping again, I will ask her to buy the new and improved formuals for Pantene Smooth and Silky and Extra Moisturising shampoos and conditioners with the serum treatment, Organics Silky Straight, Soft and Silky, Long and Strong and Weighty and Smooth, Dove Moisturetherapy and Essential Care, and maybe even the Lux Super Rich Silky and Shiny shampoos and conditioners. But if I ask that I know she will only tell me off for being mad. :-p

I know I am being very vain and narcissistic here, but vanity is in a girl’s nature. Besides, the state of my hair now is the only thing really worthy to be proud of, since there is nothing much to mention about the rest of my features and body.


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