
Wednesday, September 28, 2005


This may sound really funny, but I just started to watch "Friends" seriously the past few days. I have watched snippets and a few episodes here and there, but this is the first time I am actually watching all the way from Season One onwards. My youngest brother is a huge fan of that show, and he actually bought the entire VCD compilation of all the seasons, thus I am starting to watch from the beginning, especially since the TODAY newspaper of yesterday had a review on the series.

Everyone I know is raving about the show. It started during the time I was in upper secondary and ended only last year. A full decade, really an achievement! Even other favourites like "Ally McBeal" which I used to catch snippets of did not last that long. My parents were very strict with television time, so when I was in school, I was not allowed to watch any television programmes in the evenings, and after I left school when I could watch anything I liked at anytime I liked, I got too busy to really sit down in front of a television set and watch a programme.

The few episodes I watched, plus the first few episodes I had been watching lately make me figure out why it is such a popular show. Friends hanging out at a coffee joint trading gossips. The themes are on friendship, love, relationships, career problems, family problems, finding one's true love, married life, having kids.... things which someone like me can relate to. These are very real issues which occur to anyone. Problems which can occur to me. I can totally relate - Rachel's need to be independant of her parents, Monica's mum favouring Ross over her, the depression one gets when the object of one's affection likes someone else, the seeking of someone who really loves you, the decision to make a major career change, the problem of conceiving and childbirth for married couples. (Well, not the last one, but at least that is a real issue for most married couples).

And the characters are so colourful. The innocence and sweetness of Rachel who had been so sheltered, the intellect and idiocy of Ross, the controlling and obsession of Monica, the lame and sarcastic Chandler, the simple-minded but lovable Joey, and the loyalty and selflessness of Phoebe. All these characters are as real as any of us. The complicated issues they have to deal with are also real albeit exaggerated - Ross's lesbian ex-wife, Rachel getting pregnant with Ross's child after a one-night stand, Monica and Chandler finally falling in love with each other in London, Phoebe finding her true love, and Joey? Still the simple-minded lovable fellow.

Which is why the show is so endearing to everyone who watched it. Which is also why most of my friends love the show so much, and love every character in the show. Me? I am going back to the time when I was still sixteen and catch up on the lost years by watching the entire series from the beginning to the end.


Ole' Wolvie said...

How YOU Doin~

shakespeareheroine said...

Very well, thank u!

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