
Sunday, September 4, 2005

Seen Some True Colours And Have Enough Of Certain Things

How often have people fallen for someone, only to find the object of their affections is not the person they desire after all? This scenario does not just occur among couples, but also friends. How many people have helped their friends only to realise they are just "fair-weather" friends? That is why the greatest test of true friendship is those that have sustained the trial of time and good and bad experiences together. I have seen a lot of true colours lately and am totally fed up with freeloaders and indecisive, fickle-minded people.

Why can't people just make up their minds what they want?! I know a couple who recently broke up, yet they still see each other to "satisfy their cravings" so to speak. Yet the guy cannot even decide whether he wants to get back with the girl, although the girl for sure still loves him very much. In that case who is she to him? Someone he can just hump and throw aside, and satisfy him anytime he wants? Or is he just making use of her love for him to do his bidding? Which unfeeling creep will hurt a girl like this? And she has the cheek to blame me for it just because he still could not make up his mind whether to patch back after their "romping" session. Why blame me?! I never told her to use her body to tie him down. If he even respects her body, he would never have asked this of her in the first place already.

I know of someone else who is in love with this girl, but the feeling is not mutual. There is another girl in love with him, but the feeling is also not mutual. He is trying to get his target's attention, yet at the same time leads the other girl on as he feels good about the attention she is showering on him. Is he trying to have his cake and eat it as well? Why are guys just so fickle and cannot make up their minds what exactly they want to do?! The girl disagreed with me when I told her to stop doing so much for the guy, considering what I was doing for the guy I liked. But my case was different - I know for a fact that there is no other girl in his heart, but in her case, this guy is just playing along with her feelings just because his ego boosts from the attention she pays him.

There is a girl I know who is just stringing her boyfriend along as he is rich and she does not want to stop her cash flow and lavish lifestyle. She has a lot of admirers but cannot decide who is the one she really likes. Then why can't she just be single until she makes up her mind instead of fooling those poor guys? If her game ever gets found out, she may risk losing someone really true to her because of her frivolous ways.

Another girl I know recently got hitched but now she suspects her boyfriend is just freeloading off her. He asks her to pay each time they go out, requests for loan and never replies her when she asks him for the cash back as she needs the cash urgently to pay her bills. Needless to say she came to me to help her settle her bills, but I am a bit short too for the month due to my short sabbatical. I told her that it is alright if she pays for the guy on her own accord, but the fact that he even asked her to pay is rather suspicious already. And which guy will be so secretive about where he lives, works and daily activities, and so reluctant to introduce the girlfriend to his family and friends? Most guys will declare to the whole world he is attached once the girl accepts him. Perhaps he is just stringing her along and using her as a cash cow.

The world is full of ugly people around. Sometimes no matter how nice you are to people, anyone can just turn around and stab you in the back. I do not mind others not helping me out when I need, or not being grateful and appreciative to how I try to render my services, but when they start to twist my words and actions and accuse me of things which are not my concern, the dormant volcano in me will have a huge eruption.

I have seen a lot of true colours within a short span of half a day. Those that consider me as a friend is only a "friend" when they have problems, but there will be no sign of them when I have problems. Just like none of them is concerned when I got my heart broken thrice. None of them is concerned when my parents flew off to China on Friday and to date there is no news of them, and I am a nervous freak for the past two days especially after hearing news of a plane crash in Taiwan en route to China. Sometimes I think why is it people I have known for only a short while can be more concerned about things that happen to me than those long-term "friends"?

So I guess the particular someone is still the best so far, ie the one that can still meet all my requirements and really shows concern for me throughout some difficult periods in my life. But are his concerns just as a friend or is it indicative of some glimmer of hope? Shall I start my pursuits again or just treat everything casually? Or shall I just wait for the slim chance of finding a real good guy who can treat me better than anyone else I have met?


Anonymous said...

Well we may like or even love someone before marriage. But sometimes things changed for the worse after marriage which is why the divorce rate is increasing rapidly in singapore, due to financial, emotional and other reasons.

So in life, there is always risks and choices and also the ability to change if that is not the way you want your life to and in future...marriage or no marriage...ya

Like I say......after that Death and the show ends;-)whatever your values may be.....

Anonymous said...

Friends - you will realise by now that most people are too busy finding their own wants and wishes to be too much concern on the needs of others......

That is why we need to choose to make a difference in this world. I have a friend who can actually choose to live a very comfortable life but choose to go to India to help out with the poor and needy in the slum.....well that is making a difference I suppose.

In Singapore, as friends we can make a difference by showing love and care to our friends be it new or old friends, practising LOVE as in love is patient, love is kind....etc...

The people do really care for others, the world will be a more beautiful place, I suppose...and it starts with each of us...a step at a time...ya

Live, Laugh & Love....

shakespeareheroine said...

Yup. Agree with you, so I always like to help others, but it's just sp frustrating sometime. I know who you are, but if you are going to be anonymous next time, can you at least leave a name?

Ole' Wolvie said...

Heh heh... and people wonder why I became a cynic.

But.. hang in there gal. If someone like me can make it in this world, you should have not much more of a problem.

I wonder if I am 'blessed' as I do not get exposed to the 'ugly truths' that you're seeing a lot nowadays (or rather maybe I've seen/heard enough?) But then again, my 'actual' life is pretty bland.

As for your friend who is suspecting that the guy is freeloading off her, she can stop being suspicious as that scum of a guy is *definitely* mooching off her cash. Especially since he's not willing to be more open about his activities.

shakespeareheroine said...

What do you mean by "someone like you"? You definitely seem smarter and more successful than me, so it won't be any surprise if you can "make it" in this world.

And at times I will prefer to have a more bland life if this is the type of disturbing things I get exposed to nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Hi ehhh sori, me david (singapore_bachelor) fr friendster lah....still new to using blog and sending comments........

Okie, let's then make an effort to make a difference in this world we live in as "this world is not our own, but we are just passing through". It doesnt matter if people appreciate it or not when you render your help to the needy and helpless right....and sure it does hurts at times but then most of the time, it is the satisfaction of being there for someone who needs another human to be around to care, love and be concern keep caring and loving ya till the end of time....

"What the world needs now is Love Sweet Love.....";-)

Live, Laugh & Love
david (singapore_bachelor)

Ole' Wolvie said...

Nope. I am a world-weary cynic :D

Hence my penchant for fantasy/sci-fi settings and MMORPG. (Uh oh... I am a Geek! Noooo~~~~)

Anonymous_X said...

SH: Referring to your last paragraph, you may want to refer back to your comments in way earlier postings & review whether the reason you decided to give up the hunt (for the Mystery Guy) is still valid.

PS. Making an assumption here that 'that particular someone' is the M-Guy.

shakespeareheroine said...

Anon_X : Yes, the someone is the M-Guy, and the reasons I gave up are still valid. So although I still have a soft spot for him, I have to be contented with just being friends and no further. I'll derive my happiness from his happiness, I guess that's the best thing I can do for him.

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