
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My Top 5 Quirks (Tag! I'm It!)

Just when I thought I would be safe from this, I got tagged by Aquavitae. It has been so long since I last played tag (was it waaaaay back in Primary school?). Anyway, here are the instructions of the tag :

Given a topic, you are to write down your answers in your blog, and then send the same topic to 5 other people. Write down the names of these 5 people and link to them on your blog. Go visit their blogs to notify them that they are tagged. The 5 people who are tagged should, in their own blogs, write down the name and the link of the person who tagged them, answer the same topic, and send it to another 5 people, etc.

The topic: Your 5 Quirks!

1. When I eat Ferrero Rocher, I will bite off every nut that is sprinkled around, then bite off the chocolate, eat up the top round wafer, then lick off the chocolate inside, eat up the almond nut, before finishing the bottom round wafer.

2. I have a penchant for order and tidiness (ironically as my room is very messy). When I leave my stationery around, I hate it when others shift them out of position. They must be placed back at the exact same position as before after use. If not, I will shift them myself until they are of the right position.

3. When I sleep, I must have my baby blanket (as in the blanket I was wrapped in when I was a baby) covering me (yes, still can cover me, half my body at least), otherwise I will not be able to have a good sleep.

4. The first thing I do when I wake up is to put chilled tea bags on my eyes to get rid of the eye bags. (Try this - it really works!)

5. I am crazy over lipsticks and lip glosses. I can have twenty lipsticks of the same shade, although of a different brand. But even if I go out devoid of makeup, I still have to put on lip gloss or lip stick.

And my victims will be : (drum roll)

My 13-year-old cousin Ee Yang!
Her 14-year-old sister Ee Hui!
The "blur little girl" Maricelle!
My good friend Addy!
That nice chatty guy Sentosa!

Tag, tag, tag, tag, tag!


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