
Monday, September 19, 2005

Dead Tired ....

I have been trying to hold myself up the past few days. I have been a counsellor for two friends and a pillar of support for my mum so I am now dead tired.

A friend is having problems with his girlfriend and is wondering which direction to go from here. He was depressed over things so I was trying to lend a listening ear and advised him as best I could.

Another friend was devastated over the breakup with his girlfriend in Australia. He said they officially broke up on Saturday. The girl was his childhood friend, had known each other for seventeen years and a couple for two years. She felt that there was no companionship so she had met another guy there who could be with her. I feel that if she wanted companionship in the first place, then why accept the posting to Sydney? And when my friend wanted to find a job in Australia just so they could be near each other, why did she reject him from doing that?

I can understand why my friend is so messed-up. Besides being out of a relationship, all those years of friendship is also gone just like that. Apparently they have already been through so much together before they actually got together, that is why he is so devastated. This is something I can never comprehend as I do not have first hand experience. Times like these, I thank my lucky stars that none of my childhood friends and I start anything off. Situations like these are just too complicating. The heart break, hurts and pain will be so much more.

So Friday night I was advising my friend on his relationship, Saturday was the party, went for a wedding yesterday and visited my grandma in the hospital, met a friend for dinner just now and will probably shuttle from the hospital and back the rest of the week.

My grandma was admitted to hospital yesterday due to another heart attack, the second one in three years. She had to go for another bypass surgery. My mum is now a nervous freak. Besides being worried how my grandma is going to be, I had to make sure my mum is alright too. One thing about my mum - despite her being such a perfectionist in her career and family, she is very filial to both my grandmothers. How I wish I can be just as filial as her!

This has really been one tumultuous week. I got rejected, helped a couple of friends with their problems, organised a party, attended a wedding, helping my mum out as much as I could, shuttling back and forth from the hospital, and getting busier at work. Now is it any wonder why I feel so dead tired when it is only the beginning of the week? Times like these I really feel like a hug and an assurance that everything is going well and all will be fine.


Martin said...

May love and peace come to you.

shakespeareheroine said...

Thank you! Same to you too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Celia, well keep yourself busi and you will find meaning and fulfillment in life as let god just use you to do his work for this lifetime.

Be always assure that there is one who will love you till the end of time where others might come and go even though the human love may be very deep, but never eternal.

Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and he will take care of the affairs of your heart ya....

Well here goes....hugz hugz....take care;-)

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