
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Apocalypse Now?

Thank goodness my first brother is alright! Saw him online last night. He told me the damage was not as bad as was reported in the media, but six people did die as they were either crushed by falling trees or swept away by the overflowing rivers. Water and electricity supply was cut off for two days and was only resumed last night. Phone lines were still cut though thus he could not call back.

My dad finally called back but my mum refused to speak to him. He told me what happened - he was in a meeting so gave his phone to his female assistant. When my mum called she was the one who answered but the batterty became flat, hence the disconnection. So the misunderstanding is cleared.

Actually I think my dad should just come back. What my mum probably wants is for him to come back and appease her (speaking from a woman's point of view). It is not the first time my mum has over reacted or threatened divorce. I think she believes my dad will not cheat on her but perhaps all her tantrums are to make my dad stay around more often? After all, which woman can stand for it for her husband to be away most of the time and never around for the family and her? Especially at her age when her career is at a standstill and her children are independant, she probably feels more lonely than before. Like someone said, parents are also humans and they can act childishly too, even more so for someone like my mum who likes to insist on her own way. I feel helpless seeing my mum so upset but there is nothing much I can do as well except pray that everything is well for them.

Just read that the dengue virus has spread to Malaysia and now there is even a horse virus which just spread to dogs. So all the animals are dying one after another and humans are contracting deadly epidemics. Seems like Apocalypse is arriving. Now I have to hope and pray that there will not be another holocaust, be it at home and the world.


Ole' Wolvie said...

That's why I feel that everyone should have a realy hobby. I also feel lucky that I do not need to be with people all the time. (Pray my future wife is of the same type)

shakespeareheroine said...

I have no qualms being alone as well, although I do enjoy the company and companionship of people. My mum used to spend her time taking care of us, now we are grown so she probably have more time on her hands, thus would yearn for my father around more often.

Anonymous_X said...

What my mum probably wants is for him to come back and appease her (speaking from a woman's point of view).

And this--you highlighted to your dad? I mean even a married man could be clueless sometimes about how to make his wife happy, couldn't he?

He'll surely welcome any help from his observant daughter.

Anonymous said...

I fully agreed with anonymous_x comments above you are the one who felt it, then you could try to pull them a relationship, communication is a key that will hold any relationship till the end.......not even sex ya;-)

shakespeareheroine said...

Anon_X & David : I told my dad to hurry back already, but he, being him, always say he'd come back once he settle his affairs, which may take a day to a year.

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