
Saturday, September 17, 2005

All Geared Up For Retro Night!

Some guys simply cannot give up, either that or they are too dense to get the hint. How many times do I have to reject him before he finally leaves me alone? I have said I am not interested in going out with him or meeting him, and I have resorted to ignoring all his messages and phone calls, and I have told him countless times to leave me alone since I really do not have feelings for him at all, never in the past, not now, and not likely in the future. He is just not my type! So why can't he just take it as that and leave me alone?!

He called me out tomorrow, but I am having a Retro Night at my place. He asked what about Sunday so I said I have a wedding to attend. And I have already told him not to call me again since I really do not wish to go out with him. So he said why is it everytime he ask me out I am not free? Tough luck then. Then why is it everytime I tell him to stop calling me up he still continue doing so? Is his skull too thick?

Anyway I am not going to let pricks like that spoil my good mood. I have been getting things ready for the Retro Night tomorrow. Food - checked. CD Player - checked. Farewell gift and card - checked. Attendance - checked. Confirmation of headcount - checked (more or less anyway). House for myself - checked, since my mum kindly agreed to bring my entire family out, leaving the house to me and my party. If only she can be that kind all the time. Have I left out anything? Oh yes, music! But my friends are bringing, so that should be more or less settled as well. Booze? I heard some of them are bringing too.

I am really looking forward to the party, already all geared up!


Ole' Wolvie said...

Well... I did remember you lamenting somewhere about no guys being interested in you... (At least theres one :P)

shakespeareheroine said...

Too bad it's not the type I like. I dun like people who come on too strong. If only the type I like will show some interest.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with ole' wolvie, take that as a incentive that yes there are guys going after you, just that he is not your type, then this world is fair to you with guys chasing you and you chasing guy;-) People who you like not really accepting you and people who wants you and you not accepting them. Hahas, well again that's what this world is all about, finding the "perfect" match, I think...

Again, hope I am not that guy you are talking about,if not huh I will be very embarassed and shy if I ever do meet you again ya;-)

Anyway to night is the night eat and be merry, adn just let your "hair" down and enjoy yourself...and pls tell your friends "Drink Dont Drive, Drive Dont Drink" - ehh this message is from the "men in blue" ya;-)

Live Laugh and Love ya

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