
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Trouble At Home

I received two apology messages today. One was from that pesky fellow. At least he finally agreed to leave me alone, so good riddance! The other was from my second ex. He apologised for what he requested and said he had managed to make his girlfriend happy by buying her something else. Well an apology is an apology, so I accepted both, although I hope I will never have to go through trouble like these again.

Just when I thought my troubles are over, I have more worries on the home front. A typhoon has struck the southern coast of China, killing six people as a result. I am mighty worried about my brother, who happened to be around that area. He just called back last night before the typhoon struck, and while talking to him, I could already hear the wind howling very loudly. I really hope nothing happens to him.

Today our house phone had been ringing off the hook. Our relatives who heard the news all called and asked if he was alright. We have not heard from him after the typhoon struck. He is the favourite of all my relatives, so whenever anything happened, they would be concerned for him. My youngest brother is the favourite of my parents. I seem to be nobody's favourite. At times, I wonder if people will show as much concern if anything were to happen to me.

My youngest brother just told me terrible news that my mum is planning to file for a divorce. Why am I always the last to find out important news like these?! It seems like my mum is fed up with my dad for always not being around. Like he was not around when my first brother was hospitalised for dengue fever earlier this year, he was not around when all three of us were down with chicken pox few years back, he was not around on special occasions like my grandmother's birthday. He would always make it a point to be around for my youngest brother's birthday, yet he would never be around during my birthday. At times I seriously wonder just who am I to them?

But the straw that broke the camel's back was when my mum tried to call my dad and a female answered the phone. Then after that his phone was switched off and my mum could not get through. Needless to say, she was hopping mad. When she was able to get through the line again, she demanded for my dad to come back immediately and explain matters to her. My dad said he could not come back so soon as he had not settled his work yet.

Why do I feel a sense of deja vu? This scenario sounds so familiar! But perhaps there really is a good explanation? After all, my parents did not survive almost thirty years of marriage for nothing. Although if my dad really did something to betray the whole family, I will never forgive him. Even my youngest brother, despite being the favourite one, also declared he will stand by my mum if anything happened. We know who is the one who has been contributing more to the family, and showing more dedication, commitment and time.

Despite all our disagreements and her perfectionist and pushing ways, my mum is one great person. Since my dad is always away, it was my mum that almost single-handedly brought us up, while coping with a demanding job and taking a part-time Masters as well. I really salute her for this! I do not think I can even have a quarter of her energy and ability. I really hope and pray that nothing will happen. I have seen the problems from broken homes. At this age where my parents should be enjoying each other's companionship, they should not suffer like this. And all the more so for a growing teenage kid like my brother, he should not be deprived of a complete home.


Gravity Drop said...

Wow, that's really harsh. I wish the best for you and your mum.

Anonymous_X said...

Things may not look as bleak as it seems. I'm sure your parents can settle this 'problem' themselves.

Anonymous_X said...

Correction (ok, i was rushing earlier): Things may not look as bleak as they seem.

Anyway, it's rather unthinkable if that 30-year marriage were to end abruptly.

Ole' Wolvie said...

Well, (I use this a lot don't I?) at least you should have learnt by now that standing up for yourself works wonders at times. (Case in point, your two apologies)

You don't need to worry overmuch, but seems like you'll have to make another stand pretty soon. Be ready for it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi Celia, well happy to hear about the apologies given to you.

Sad to hear about the typhoon where your brother is staying in china and your parents' problems.

Well, like I say in the end, humans are selfish and will react when they have reach their control peak ya.

Like I say, such family issues is a trend that will be happening in the world to come ya...whether we are ready or not, it will that's why I was sharing with you about my concepts of life and "free love thing" etc... it is real!

Anonymous said...

Like someone life sometime it is better not to know aobut things then to know too much....and if you know sometimes it is better to close one eye before marriage and both eyes after marriage ya....

shakespeareheroine said...

Gravity Drop, Anon_X & Ole Wolvie : Thanks for your kind words. I am also hoping things are not as bleak as they seem.

David : Go ahead and have your own opinion on "free love" or whatsoever. But this happens to be involving my parents, and it's my family that may be coming apart, thus I do not appreciate these words from you right now. Even if it is anyone else, what you have mentioned is a bit too insensitive.

Connie and Rob said...

Marriage is a very strong bond and it is certainly possible for your mom and dad to work things out. Don't give up on them. Please try and remember that you have to stop worrying about what others think of you and love yourself. I so know this from experience. You are your own best friend!

Hope your brother is safe.

Anonymous said...

Sori for being so frank about life ya.....

shakespeareheroine said...

Connie : Thanks again for the words of advise.

David : Apology accepted.

Goy said...

When I first heard about my parent's separation, it can be quite harsh. However, after a while, you have to take a good hindsight of things and realized that there are many deep-rooted feelings and reasons behind this. I just pray that you are able to go through this ordeal. Take care

aquavitae said...

Hey SH, this is a rough time for you, no doubt. Hope you'll be able to go thru, (and in the process help them, thru yr calm and patience) to work through whatever troubles they may face. For me, it's sobering when I find that parents are human and can make mistakes,and behave quite 'childishly' at times, and it's up to the children to show that sometimes.

aquavitae said...

not that yr parents are like that! :) jaz talking about mine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your acceptance ya...u take care okie.....

Live, Laugh & Love, rgds david

shakespeareheroine said...

Goy and Aquavitae : Thanks. I also pray that everything will be fine. They have to sort out their own problems themselves.

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