
Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Of Diaries And Weblogs

One of my friends asked me last night on why I keep a blog and not a diary. Actually these two are about the same. A blog is essentially a weblog, which means an "online diary". The only difference is that in a blog, one has to be more selective over what to post and uses more guarded language since it reaches out to a wider audience, whereas for a diary, one can have a real free expression on what to say since it is to be kept private.

I still keep a diary though, but since I started blogging, my diary entries have shrunk from an average of five pages to just two pages the most. There are things that only my diary knows; similarly there are things in my blog which will never be in my diary. For instance, my diary contains the real identity of the mysterious guy which so many of my readers are dying to find out, my work and frustrations of my job, the identity of all my friends, the exact conversations we have and all the vivid details of the dreams I have had. What I have in my blog are mostly just snippets here and there. But my blog has my thoughts and opinions on issues like movie reviews, world peace, conservation of the environment and other ideas which can be debated and reached out to a wider threshold. In other words, my blog has a wider variety of topics and genre of writing.

Why did I first start keeping a diary? That was way back in primary school when my teachers made me keep journals, both for English and Chinese. We were encouraged to express our thoughts and feelings of the events that happened to us. When I went to secondary school, the journal entries continued, but when we reached upper secondary, our teacher decided to let us have a break. Somehow she was impressed with my journal entries, so she asked me to continue writing and expressing my views. I found it a good way to belt out all the frustrations and stress of my misunderstood adolescence years, so I started keeping a diary seriously, especially after being inspired by Anne Frank's autobiography. The diary thus became my shadow, my other self, my forum for music composition and song writing ideas, and I also used it for my research ideas and to write my drafts whenever I had an essay to submit.

During Christmas of 1995, my first boyfriend’s mum gave me a journal as a Christmas gift. Although it was nothing much, but it was the most appropriate gift I received, as I was running out of journals. He was not for the idea of keeping a diary, so asked why I was so happy to receive a blank book. I jokingly said I could finally write down how he “bullied” me. He said I should not keep a diary, he could be my diary. That was what I was scared of – he was the type of person where one should not say too much to for fear of getting put down all the time. So I wrote down in the journal everything about our short but tumultuous relationship. I kept this habit from him as he would want to read what I wrote if he ever found out, as to him, we should have no secrets between us.

My diary has followed me through time – from my secondary school days where I was a misunderstood, sheltered and grounded teenager, to happy and excited times of young love, to ecstatic moments when my results exceeded my expectations, to my sorrow and messy state when I fell out of love. Paper is indeed more patient than man.

Then why did I decide to blog since my diary is so intimate to me? Firstly, I got inspired by a certain friend and his impressive blog, secondly I wanted my blog to be a forum where I can unleash my creative juices, and thirdly I can reach out to a mass audience for any thoughts I have on any issue. And since I am going to write anyway, I may as well just type everything - faster and neater. I can develop cramps and numbness after writing for too long. Thus now my blog entries are longer than my own diary entries.

I wish my blog will also follow me through and stand the test of time. I just hope I do not ever run out of things to write about. I will be so miserable when that time comes as I do not wish to stop writing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hi Celia my friend, well yes agreed blogs are like the best thing second to onli the handphone and sms;-)

I see a interesting blog like a reality diary where you can "see" , hear, feel and support a person as she shares her opinion on world issues as well as her own interesting personal life....which sells ya;-)

That is why SPG website is a hit amongst guys keke....well porno and sexual sharings sells even better.....why dont you write some thoughts on sexual matters from a gal point of view to educate the guys from your perspective of course......;-)

Live, Laugh & Love
Just Me Again....enjoying your blog daily....its like my "Daily Bread" hahahahas cheers

Anonymous_X said...

For instance, my diary contains the real identity of the mysterious guys which so many of my readers are dying to find out I am thinking that I've figured out who the M-Guy is. :/

And now back to square one, as the M-Guy is actually more than 1 person? Hmm...

shakespeareheroine said...

David : Erh, I don't think I'll want my blog to end up like some porn show. There is enough porn being circulated around already. :-D

Anon_X : Erh mysterious guys? Must be my mistake, cos there has always only been 1 Mysterious guy.

So you think you figured out who he is? Hmmmm.... I have to know whether you guessed correctly, hee hee! Perhaps drop me a hint as to who you think he is. :-p

Anonymous said...

keke okie okie how about semi-RA instead hahas....

and I know I know who is that guy, any prize for me if I stated the person out hahahas.....rgds david

Anonymous_X said...

SH: I'm confused! Why does it matter for you if I deciphered his secret identity correctly? What, with you already vowed to give up & be contented as just a friend for him? Unless...

To be fair, I believe, some of the readers might have already guessed as well who the person is.

We just choose not to reveal it because we're truly a bunch of very nice, decent & considerate human beings--Ehm--& most importantly, we just want to see a fable-like happy ending!

Sorry...thus I won't drop a hint. ;)

shakespeareheroine said...

David : He reads my blog too, so PLEASE DON'T EMBARRASS ME!!!

Anon_X : Thanks! I was only kidding about the stating out identity part. If you'd really done that, I'll be too embarrassed to ever see him again.

I know my readers are a bunch of smart and nice people, so I won't be surprised if they know who he is. The question is, does he know himself I was referring to him? Oh well, doesn't matter now anyway.

blue said...

Heroine,as i read through your comments, you said that your M-guy reads your blog. and somehow your friends know who he is. so i think if your M-guy is intelligent enough, he would have noticed somethings familiar.maybe he's shy to tell you too...

Anonymous said...

Someone got to make the first move....all those who thinks that SH shd make the first move said YES

shakespeareheroine said...

erh.... I believe I have done heaps (at least according to what one of my friends said, even a blind man can tell what is going on), so if he is still not responding, most likely he is not interested. Which means I better stop wasting my time and not hold on.

Anonymous said...

well that is logical too, you can still try but at the same time create opportunities elsewhere right. I don't believe in only one love, we can love lots of people, and relationship takes time to grow from meeting, having chemistry, able to "stand" each other's character, to sharing personal & intimate thoughts to being physically close.......and the list goes on ya

Anyway, sometimes got to face the facts and truths, ask him straight in the face, and if the answer is YES - GREAT, if NO - MOVE ON....there is life after this , you know..........

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