
Tuesday, August 9, 2005

A Frustrating Day

I am totally frustrated today. Firstly, I was supposed to go to my best friend's place as promised last night. She started tutoring a Primary 4 kid but was not sure how to solve the tricky Mathematics Challenging Problems, so wanted me to help her mark the assessment book and explain to her step-by-step on how to solve the problems. In the end, she called me and said she just scheduled a potential client so could not meet me anymore.

I thought the rest of the day would be smooth-sailing until I meet my friends to watch "Dim Sum Dollies" in the evening. In the afternoon, my mum called and said she had to rush her work, so could not come back on time to bring my grandma for a medical checkup, and asked me if I could go on her behalf. The medical checkup was at this Chinese Physician Clinic somewhere downtown at 5:00 pm in the evening. I realised that by the time I got there and then bring my grandma back, I would not be able to make it for the show, so I had to call my friends to cancel. Luckily one of them managed to get his girlfriend to take my place so the ticket did not go to waste.

What pissed me off was that everytime my mum summoned, I had to be the one to do things for her. Not that I am not willing to help my family members, but I had something on in the evening, yet my brothers were the ones free the whole day, and she never once asked them to do anything. I always have to be the one running all her errands and taking care of things when she is not around. She always said because I am old enough so should know how to do things, but it is not like my brothers are still babies or little kids. They are already in late teens and early twenties for goodness sake! I always ended up cancelling so many things which I have already planned to do whenever she summoned me. Although this thing happened only 40% of the time, but still, it is irritating that I am always the one to get arrowed.

My mum used to tell me that since I am part of the family, I have to contribute. Then are my brothers not part of the family? They are more part of the family than me, as they are the ones who will be carrying on the family name. As far as my parents are concerned, once I get married, out I go. On the other hand, I am supposed to do the million and one things they asked me to do. Why is life so unfair sometimes?!

In the end, my grandma did not go for her medical checkup after all, as the receptionist called around 4:00pm and informed me that the doctor had to attend to an emergency so the appointment was rescheduled. And because I already cancelled out on my friends and incurred the trouble, I was too embarrassed to tell them I could make it after all. Anyway it would be a little too rush for me to get ready and go out at that time. So I met my ex-boyfriend for dinner instead.

I have no problems taking care of my family or having any responsibilities whatsoever. What frustrates me is my mum's attitude - expecting me to do her bidding at all costs. It is no use telling her I have a previous engagement, as she will say things like other things in my life is always more important than family affairs. *Sigh*

If she could have just asked and be more understanding when I have things on, I would have been more willing to help her out everytime. As it is, she never involves my brothers unless I am really not available, ie I am out. Is it any wonder both are so pampered?


Ole' Wolvie said...

Kinda sounds like my mom when she's over here visiting. Especially when she comes over unannounced. But at least she's not asking me to do errands (mostly I get to carry shopping bags), and Singapore is already very easy to get around in.

Sometomes I feel lucky to be asocial (not anti social mind you :P), because that means I am not at the whims of other people's time.

shakespeareheroine said...

Lucky you. At least you are away from your parents so can be more independent and free to do your own things according to your own schedule. Sometimes I wish I can be like this, just go according to my own schedule, no need to report to anyone what I do, etc.

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