
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Marriage = Children?

We had our pool table shifted to the third floor attic where the space is bigger as the second floor hallway is a little too narrow to play pool properly. At least now the "useless" attic can now be converted to a Pool Room. It was originally supposed to be a Karaoke Room, but later on my father realised it could not be sound-proofed, so the idea was abandoned. Then it became an Exercise Room, where there is an Exercise Bike and Abdominizer in one corner. It also served as a Games Room for my younger relatives whenever they come over to my place, as we put all the board and card games in another corner. Until recently, it served as my "spare" room where I put in whatever stuff that could not be fit into my room.

I was chatting with an ex-colleague who had migrated to England with her husband. I was asking her when she plan to have any kids. She said maybe in another couple of years time. Considering that she is already 30, I told her it would be dangerous to have a kid later on in life. She said that it will be dangerous only after the age of 35, so she can have one at 32, another at 34. Two will be enough, and hopefully one boy and one girl.

Another ex-schoolmate of mine who is getting married in a few weeks' time declare she will never have any children. She said firstly she hates all the boisterous kids she sees around, and secondly, she does not want to suffer like her sister - left alone to take care of the kid while juggling work, and the husband just work and do not bother.

I find it rather sad for her to think like this. I always think children perk up a couple's life. She said that marriage does not equate to children. Of course it does not, it is more than just having children; it is a lifetime of companionship, commitment, and bringing joy to each others' lives. It is growing old together, but having kids of your own to nurture and mould is one of the best aspects of married life. Having your own kids do change people's lives. I know many cases where the husband was still frivolous and fun-loving even after marriage, but the moment the wife was pregnant, he became the model husband and started coming home early, gave up all the wild parties and spent more time with the wife. When the kid came, he became such a good father who doted on the kid. Even for a woman, some women are wild and wacky, but once they get pregnant, they really cut down on all their bad habits. Parenthood really change people. Having kids actually draw the couple closer together as they can really bond as a family.

I always desire a big family. I always thought to have five children. I love kids, playing with them, raising them, taking care of them and teaching them the right values. I was the one who used to babysit my brothers and younger cousins. At that point in time, I thought I would be getting married early, like by 24 or 25 years old, then have my first kid by 27, and maybe have my last kid by 35. Then I would have completed my family. But that is impossible now, considering my age and my current status. Still, I hope to have at least two children before I get too old and dangerous to give birth.

I will want a natural birth, as I think that is part and parcel of being a parent. More and more people are opting for caesarian so they would not experience pain. But I do believe pain in childbirth is a natural process for any woman. After experiencing such pain then one really knows the real meaning of new life. I am very scared of pain as well, but I believe when the time comes, I will want to give birth naturally. That is why people always remark that it is only after the birth process and being real parents that people really grow up. No longer do the couple think only of themselves, as everything they plan and do will involve the kid. After such an excruciating process, it is no wonder kids nowadays are so precious and spoilt. So it all depends on whether parents want to give the children proper upbringing.

Sometimes I wonder what sort of parent I will be, judging from my own ways and behaviour. Gosh, I will not want any of my kids to take after me!


asen said...

Well.. you are one of the rare kind with a view of family... but I have the same opinion as you with regards to the family. It's just nowadays, I hardly find people with the same belief as me concerning family

shakespeareheroine said...

Belief concerning family in what way?

asen said...

well.... having a family and raising children?

The one in your article is the opposite to what I thought... I mean, it's sad to have a family but no children. I agree that it take out a lot of time from the couple to have a baby, but it will be definitely worthwhile... I mean, it's part and parcel of marriage..

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