
Monday, August 29, 2005

Is Being Big Such A Big Deal?

In September, our local television station will broadcast a new reality programme about overweight women losing their flabs and inches. These women who signed up were selected from many hopefuls, and most of them interviewed said that they wanted to lose weight because of their guys. Some guys they met actually told them not to find them until after they have shed off their weight.

What is this obsession about a person's weight anyway? I have put on about 5 kg since I graduated, but it has not really bothered me that much (except for the occasional grumbling about my rounder tummy and flabbier thighs). As long as all my clothes still fit (albeit a little tighter now) and I am still of the ideal weight range for my height, I do not really care how much I weigh. Although when I showed my mum my performance photos yesterday, she kicked up a very big fuss, saying that my face and cheeks got rounder and broader everytime I took a picture. She kept saying that I have her genes and will tend to put on weight easier than other girls, so kept telling me to slim down. She said that I looked better in the past, both in person and in photos as my face was longer not rounder. I told her that I am still thinner than her, which she countered with that "I have given birth to three children, you have not, so you should not even be flabby anywhere." What a downright slam to me!

During school days all the way to university, I have friends who always admired me for my body. They always claimed that I have such a shapely body, proportionate everywhere, and they were moaning about how to get rid of their "baby fats". Ironically, now they are the ones with the "womanly body" and my body, at least according to my mum, is fast becoming a middle-aged lady's shape. Hmmmmm...... Just a few more months before my dancing class starts, so hopefully I can shed off a few kilos after that and make everyone happy. I would like back my 23-inch waist and wear back my size 24 jeans.

But is it really a big deal to guys if their girls are big? Sad to say, there are many wonderful, intelligent and kind women who are single and unmarried just because they are big. Guys normally will not approach them. Are looks and figure really that important? Isn't whatever is inside counts more than just physical attributes alone? Of course there are some big girls who put others off, especially the way they dress. I mean, if you know you have flabs jutting out everywhere, then for goodness sake, do not wear a tube top showing your midriff (the extra roundness will only bounce when you walk), or a mini-skirt which only shows off how flabby your thighs are! But my point is that, a lady should not be judged just on her physical size alone, rather on how she presents herself and her character.

For myself, I always like guys to be a bit on the rounder side. All my guys were a bit on the muscular round side (even for the second one - he was also round in the beginning until I encouraged him to work out as he was having quite a low self-esteem over his roundness. After that he started becoming such a gym buff and became so obsessed over maintaining his sex pecs that he felt I was not "good-looking" enough to match him after all). I feel that rounder guys give me more security, as they can give me warmth and comfort when I hug them. I like my guys cuddly like a teddy bear! That does not mean I shun all the skinny guys around. On the bottom line, as long as our feelings are true and we are right for each other, it does not matter how thin or plump he is.


Ole' Wolvie said...

Erm... I do like moderately shaped females. Too thin is not good.

Having said that, I saw the preview of that show on TV mobile. Those contestants easily weigh over 80kg per person.

Weight can be a big deal. I won't call you fat even if you're like 160cm and 65kg. But 80+kg?

shakespeareheroine said...

Erm I'm the height you mentioned, but about 15 kg lighter than the weight you mentioned. As it is, it's already heavier than olden days.

Ole' Wolvie said...

You're slim :P

shakespeareheroine said...

Thank you! :-)

sonic said...

"sex pecs" lol. did you mean the abs (i.e. six packs) or really the pecs? haven't heard that term before, can make a pun or three there.

shakespeareheroine said...

Yes, I meant the "six packs". Was making a pun in his words, as he always referred to his abs as his "sex pecs".

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