
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Why Do My Parents Always Misunderstand Me?!

I really cannot stand my parents at times. Since young they have never been satisfied with anything I do. No matter how well I scored in school, music and dance examinations, it was never enough for them. I grew up in the midst of all their sarcasm and negative remarks. Is it any wonder why I seldom tell them a lot of things nowadays?

My mum would criticise my grades, school activities and other things I do. When I was selected for music performances in the past, she would never fail to say, "I do not understand why your teacher always recommend you to perform and compete; it is not as if you play that well." All these despite the many awards and certificates I used to win in those competitions.

My dad is just as critical. There was once he was driving me to church. I was with my second guy at that time so I went to a different church from the first one. My dad asked why I changed church and whether anyone from my previous churches looked for me. I said they did not need to look for me since I am still attending church. He said it must be because I was so lousy that it was good riddance I was gone. Am I really so bad in his eyes?!

There was another time when I was giving away my university history notes to my junior in NIE. When my dad enquired about the big bag, I said the bag consisted of my notes for my friend. He just laughed and asked if my notes were reliable, do not get my friend into trouble by causing her to fail. Why did he have to say that? No doubt I did not score that well but I sure did not score that badly either. At least I passed every subject on first try.

My mum would always put me down whenever I have a breakup. When my second relationship ended, she said I must have driven him away, so I must try to win him back. I was the one who got dumped; I did not need her to be so sarcastic! Besides how would she know how much I put into my relationship? Did she think I start a relationship only to get myself dumped in the end?!

Even on Friday after my performance, my dad asked why I seemed to be performing so much lately and whether my chorus really needed a frog croaking? He may have been the karaoke champion for the past few years, but that does not give him the right to insult me like this.

I do not think any parents put their kids down this way. I really wish they can be happy with what I do for once. My previous boyfriends used to dislike my parents for their curt remarks (to me, never to them). That was partly why none of my relationships work out. I cannot change my parents so I hope my next guy can either ignore or understand that they are this way and not take offence to what they say. Afterall he is with me, not with my parents. Besides my parents have never ill-treated any of my guys even though they may not be very warm and friendly sometimes. I also always ensure that my parents never interfere in my relationships, because ultimately it is my choice, not theirs.


Ole' Wolvie said...

My brother usually retorts with something like: "I may be a frog, but remember that you gave birth to me." (My family has a weird way of bantering.)

I usually just grin, smile and go: "Yeah, I am a frog and proud to be one."

shakespeareheroine said...

I can never talk back to my parents. They always think they are right and their opinions matter above anything else. So nowadays I just ignore and brush off what they say.

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