
Monday, August 29, 2005

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

It is true what people say, "Never offend a woman unless you want to taste her vengeance." This is especially accurate in terms of women in love relationships. A woman will do all kinds of crazy things once she was dumped. There was a lady who feigned her pregnancy when she got dumped just to get the guy to marry her. Luckily the guy found out and dumped her again, this time cutting off all contact with her. Honestly if the guy did not get involved with her in the first place, he would not need to feel obligated to her. That is why the couple should not get involved with each other until they are properly married.

But from what I have realised, a woman need not even be dumped before she wrecks havoc. All it takes is for the guy to cheat on her and she will become the Devil's Advocate. I was flipping through a couple of female magazines last week when I came across true accounts on how women took revenge on their boyfriends who have hurt them in some way. Some of the things they did were absolutely ridiculous! If they could even bear to do something like those to their boyfriend / husband, ie the guy they claimed they love, then I seriously wonder just how much these women really love their guys.

One woman shamed her husband's lover in public, by going to her office, asking her husband to call the lady's office, then putting her on speaker phone so everyone in her office would know the affair was over. When the lady was so humiliated that she cried, the wife slapped her a few times. When she knew the lady was going to get married, she asked her out the day before the wedding and brought her to a temple to pray for atonement of her sins. The wife even went so far as to write to the lady's husband and telling him about the affair, sending a tape of the dalliance and asking him to keep better tabs on his wife. That is really extreme. Hurt as she was, the affair was already over and her husband had returned to her. Must she really break up someone's marriage?

There are other women who used less extreme, but equally vicious methods, to exact revenge. One lady found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, so she snuck into his apartment and soaked all his underwear in super-concentrated soapy water, and let the underwear dry without rinsing out the soap. He developed peeling skin and scratched himself raw but did not dare to tell her a thing as he thought he had contracted some sexual disease. A similar case was when after a fight, another lady smeared a scentless muscle relaxant gel inside every pair of briefs her boyfriend owned. When he was getting ready to go to work the next day, he cried out in pain and had to run around the house! Ouch.......

A classic case was when the wife of a British deejay heard him say he would give up his entire family for this gorgeous model he was interviewing, she got so mad that she auctioned off his Lotus Esprit Turbo for just 50 pence on Ebay, with the note that she needed to get rid of the car immediately before her husband came home. I must imagine what a heartache it was for the poor guy and what a good deal it was for whoever who bought the car!

Another lady, when she found out her guy was two-timing her with her roommate, answered his phone and pretended to be him for this important job interview for a big accounting firm he was expecting a call from. She did not tell him about the interview, and on the day of the interview, she called up the company, pretending to be him again, and said she overslept so wanted a postponement. The interviewer agreed to postpone. Needless to say, the guy never knew about the calls and did not turn up for the subsequent interviews, so his chances of ever working for the firm were totally blown.

Must people really be so vicious? Resorting to doing things like that just to exact revenge on the things he had hurt you with are not just childish, they are downright despicable. Can one claim to really love the other person if one can think of doing something that will hurt the other person? I wonder if these women ever regret or feel bad over what they did. I will definitely not do anything like this as I can never bring myself to hurt anyone, even an ordinary friend, let alone the person I love.


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