
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Is Letting Go The Ultimate Test Of True Love?

How many of you have heard the saying, "If you love someone, set him / her free. If he / she comes back, then you can start over. If not, then perhaps it is not meant to be." A very meaningful and truthful adage. One wonders how many actually follows the saying. Gee, I am getting more and more philosophical by day. Must be due to age. x-p

I was pondering on this issue during whatever spare time I had today. I am sure my friends will ask, "Why are you thinking so much again?" I cannot help it. I have been like this since young. Every time my mind is not fully occupied, I will start thinking of issues of the world or issues affecting me.

What triggered off this thought was that recently, I realised that my thoughts of a certain someone had been getting lesser and lesser. What used to be the daily pining and excitement of running into him online, now became just mere "bumping into a friend online" scenario. I do not even get upset anymore when he takes a long time to reply me. I no longer miss him as much and even when we get to go out together, there was no longer as much excitement and anticipation as before.

Is this a good sign? (Good sign of what?!) Am I finally learning how to let go completely? Then in that case, why were his messages to me (and my messages to him) still stored in my phone, and our online chatting log still saved in my computer? I had been reluctant to delete all these away. Does it mean I still feel strongly for him?

But the fact that I no longer think of him as much and no longer look forward so excitedly to seeing him probably means that my feelings for him are starting to be buried. And it is easier to bury these feelings since we were never involved with each other in the first place. So instead of holding on, it is best to let go completely so he can seek his own happiness elsewhere. Seeing him being happy will be the best thing I can do for him right now.

If you really love a person, you will want him / her to be happy, no matter who he / she is with. True love is selfless and unconditional. Meanwhile, I believe I can also slowly set my heart free so as to look for other options, provided people are willing to take the challenge!


Anonymous said...
"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments"

I studied this beautiful Sonnet from Shakespeare in my school and remember it ever since(at least its famous starting lines..). I feel it is simply great. Please try and read it at leisure and ponder over it. You should like it.

Again with best wishes,

shakespeareheroine said...

Hey thanks! It's one of my favourite sonnets actually, although I still prefer the "My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose". Just re-read it, and it is still inspiring every word of the way.

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