
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What Is For Thou May Not Be For Thee

"One man's medicine is another man's poison." Or something to this effect. This phrase essentially means what works for one person may not necessary work for another person, and what suits someone may not suit another one.

I was reflecting on this issue after a chat with my godbrother last night. Apparently his mother is getting worried about his single status and now tell him to hook up with me, since there does not seem to be any other girls he is on such familiar terms with. What an absurd idea! We were both laughing our heads off about it. Both of us confessed we are not each other's types, despite all our years of friendship. All along I take him like my own brother, it is just impossible to foresee us having anything more than close friendship.

Which brings me back to the first point - many girls are dying to go out with him, but he is not interested in any of them. Yet the girls he had been interested in before all did not want to have anything to do with him. I pity him sometimes. But this is the same case as myself - not counting all my past relationships, nowadays, the guy I truly liked did not share the same sentiments, and the girls he went after all do not like him in that way. And the guys who pursue me nowadays, well, somehow I just do not have that type of feelings towards them. Like I said, until I meet someone who can trigger off the same amount of feelings like how I felt for him, otherwise too bad.

Some people have asked me how I got to know my godbrother. It was a long story actually. I met him through an injury. That was way back in primary school. I went with my senior to her brother's school to pick him up. There were a group of boys playing nearby to where I was standing since I was waiting for the brother and sister to come out. Suddenly a stone flew by and hit me smack on the side of my forehead! The next moment I knew, I felt my head spinning, and there was blood! I was on the verge of fainting.

This little boy (he was the one who threw the stone) came over and was so frightened that he immediately called one of the teachers who brought me to the first aid room to get patched up. Luckily it was nothing serious, but unfortunately, that little incident scarred me for life. I still have the scar, although faded, at the same spot, except now it is covered by my fringe. When my friends came and picked me up, I was feeling so much better. That particular little boy was so guilty over the accident that he gave me his phone number and asked me to call him when I reached home to let him know if I was alright. So sweet, even at the age of nine! As you can guess, he later adopted me as his "big sister" and the rest, as they say, is history.

Then how do you know if the person is for you? Somehow you just know. And you also know if the person is not for you. You can be close friends for so long but never develop things further because both are not each other's types of a partner. That is why a guy can have so many female friends whom he know for ages, but in the end he may end up with someone totally new.

The same goes for a girl. Because we all have a certain type of partner which we are looking for, ultimately in every relationship, the partner is of the same type - similar traits, characteristics, even body size. For a guy who likes a girl who is independent and understanding, he normally looks for girls of these traits and so on.

My type is always standard. Despite all my failures, I will still go for the same type as I realise now that I get along best with guys of similar traits to what I am looking for. While some of my friends look for outer beauty, I look for inner beauty and brains. That is why what is for me is not necessary what is for others, and vice versa.


sen said...

what a sweet story of a little boy :)... I imagine if it was me at that age, I would probably freak out myself...

Hmm.. with regards to "How do you know if the person is for you?", I always think that there's a thin line between close friend and the one you eventually ended up with. Yes, people always say that they are not his/her type. It is precisely because he/she is your close friend that you always look out for a better "type". There is a saying "Neighbour's grass is always greener"

Well, this is just my theory anyway :). Different people has different opinion and way of life.

sen said...

sorry.. forgot to include my website :)

shakespeareheroine said...

I guess some people do eventually end up with their close friends / best friends. But for my case, my close guy friends (at least those who are still single) have their own criterias of girlfriends, and I have my own criterias too. So perhaps for now, we can only be good friends.

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