
Friday, July 15, 2005

When Is The Right Age To Be Attached?

My brochure from the new SIM University just arrived. The course I am going to take has been revamped, but the subject combinations are still the same. But instead of one whole subject, every subject has been split into two parts, one part for the first half of the year, the other for the second half of the year, just like a normal university structure.

I prefer it this way actually as it is easier on my pocket. Instead of paying the whole year's course fees, I can pay lesser fees every half yearly. And I can even take up more modules per semester due to the lesser fees paid. So I can complete an Honours degree in four years instead of six. I need to confirm my place by November, which means I have to confirm a job soon so I can raise enough cash to pay the fees by then. Come to think of it, I am probably the only person who can profess going into NUS, NTU and SIM University in my lifetime. Shall I try for SMU next?

A close friend of mine who is a mature student just asked me to help him with a paper, knowing how free I am right now. I told him I charge S$0.10 per word, and it is a 3000-word essay. Anyway, I was only kidding about the money part; I have no qualms helping him out for free since I am just so happy to have something to occupy my time with. I will be going to his place on Monday so I can help him out with his ideas.

My youngest brother just asked me this question : When is the right age to be attached? I really have no answer for him. The fact is that there is no "right" age when it comes to being involved in a relationship. There are couples as young as 12 nowadays. I suppose as long as both parties know what they are doing. He said he probably would have several girlfriends before he could find the right one. I told him that he must always enter a relationship with the view of making things work out. Never enter a relationship with the view of just trying out or not wanting to work things out, as that will be unfair to both himself and the girl.

All three of us siblings have been rather unlucky in love. For me, I entered my first relationship at the age of seventeen, and now, years later, I am still single and searching, with my heart broken a few times. For my first brother, he met a girl in the college he is studying in right now, but she rejected him. For my youngest brother, he had liked a girl ever since Secondary Three, and finally plucked up enough courage to let her know how he felt last year, but was rejected. I wonder how my parents have it so easy. They were each others' first loves in university. No wonder my mum always complains I am frivolous; probably compared to her time, my dating and love life is a whole lot more complicated than hers. But does she think I like it?

My brother said that right now he wants to concentrate on his studies and not think about love and relationship. I told him it is a good thing, but impossible once the time comes. I wanted to just study and not think about relationships as well when I was his age. I thought I would find a boyfriend only in university. But when feelings started to develop, it was literally impossible to stop. I already knew what type of guy I like when I was only in secondary school. When my peers were boasting about their rich handsome hunks, I always told them it is better to find an intelligent guy who can engage in intellectual debates with you. I like someone who can stimulate my mind when I am with him, and not someone who is only concerned about how good he looks and going to the gym to pump iron to beef himself up. Certainly not someone who spends more time on personal grooming than me!

All my closest guy friends are all intelligent. For instance, my godbrother is an Engineering and Finance graduate from an Ivy League college, my childhood friend (the brother of my senior) graduated from NUS with an Honours degree in Chemical and Process Engineering, another guy I have known for more than 15 years holds an Honours in Business Administration, and another guy I know from my music class all those years ago recently obtained his Masters in Mathematics from NUS. Even my ex-boyfriends, all have qualifications in Engineering or Law. My closest girlfriends also have Honours degrees in Business Administration, Education, Marketing, Arts, Science. In fact, I seem to be the least qualified among all my friends. Shame on me! :-(

Anyway, I told my brother that when the feelings come, he will know. But he must know the type of girl he is looking for. I gave him the same advise - do not go for a mere pretty face. Go for someone intelligent who can stimulate your mind. I know the type of guy I like, so my boyfriends all fall into the same calibre. Somehow or other, people tend to choose a guy / girl who has very similar characteristics than the previous one. Actually, considering my history, the type of guy I like is not that hard to find. Maybe I can find someone like that soon and hopefully things will work out this time.


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