
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Lessons From Dan Brown


2. One can make antimatter (the opposite element of matter) out of nothing.

3. Science and Religion cannot co-exist together. (Just think : Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Galileo's Corpernican theory that the Sun is the centre of the universe goes against any church and biblical teachings. Ironically, the Big Bang theory is exactly what Genesis is based on - create things out of nothing. Food for thought there.)

4. The Brotherhood of Illuminati (ancient arch-enemies of Catholics), Opus Dei (a group of extreme Catholics) and the Priory of Sion REALLY exist.

5. Jesus had a wife (Mary Magdalene).

6. Mona Lisa was an aphrodyte.

7. The Holy Grail was nothing to do with any glass or cup used by Jesus.

8. The image of God was modelled after the ancient Greek God Zeus.

9. The painting "The Last Supper" had Mary Magdalene sitting on Jesus' right.

10. Jesus was actually born sometime in March, but December 25 is celebrated as Christmas as it is the end of the winter solstice.

11. The official language of Vatican City was Italian, French and Latin. English was only for backward and feminine scholars like Shakespeare and Chaucer. (Now, why is English considered the official language of the world then?)

12. Swiss Guards are specially trained to patrol and protect the Pope and the Carmelengo from harm.

13. Vatican City has a vast amount of riches that can support every Catholic church in the world.

14. Terrorists' main aim are not to destroy buildings and cities, but to instil fear and enable the public to stray away from faith.

15. Mathematics is the purest language in the world.

"Angels and Demons" and "Da Vinci Code" challenged all the Catholic teachings I have ever learnt. Despite all these, I still love the books. And I still want to go to Rome to visit the Pantheon, and to Vatican City to see the Sistine Chapel. Great work of architecture, even if it is not for religious reasons.

I hope to be like him - knowledgeable on the subjects of physics, religions, symbology and art history!


Tel said...

i keep hearing about his books but have yet to pick one up,which one is the better one?

& thanxs for the comment on my site.

shakespeareheroine said...

Da Vinci Code is still the best!

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