
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Once A Teacher, Always A Teacher

Guess what? I got another job offer, this time as a Corporate Associate in an accounting firm. Looks like I can never escape corporate work. My morning interviews are cancelled, so I guess I have to decide which one(s) to take up after my interviews later. Whatever it is, both jobs are giving me a cut in pay, as I am not really specialised in the area. But as long as the job is alright and the working environment is good, I do not really mind as long as I can earn enough to survive.

I received a wedding invitation from a former law classmate yesterday. I called her up to RSVP my attendance and to catch up. We used to discuss tutorials together. Now she is getting married in August to a Legal Counsel. Which means I have 2 weddings to attend in August.

She asked me why I gave up law to go into teaching. Won't the money be much less? Yes, the money is much less, but I like a job which I know I can benefit people. I told her that there are only a few things my parents wanted me to become - doctor, lawyer, engineer or architect. They were not that approving of me going into teaching as well. But as I weigh the job aspects, I realise that being a lawyer is the worst of the lot. Doctors earn money to save lives, engineers to construct things, architects to build houses.

But a lawyer earns money from the poor and criminals to get them off scot-free. Someone who is being sued for bankruptcy (who already has no assets to his name) still has to pay a standard four-figure lawyer's fee. How is he going to pay? Someone who is filing for divorce needs all the money to support children but still has to pay a hefty sum as legal fees. Worse is someone who is guilty of murder pays all the money just to get off scot-free. If I am a lawyer, I can earn all the money in the world, but I will not be able to live with myself. I like to live life with a clear conscience.

So since I like tutoring and children and music, I thought my life will be more fulfilling if I teach. And my life was more fulfilling during those times when I was teaching. It is a real joy to hear students and parents thanking me and saying they appreciate what I have done for their children. No doubt there are many nasty children and parents, but at the end of the day, as long as I know that I have done everything within my power to make a difference in their lives, it is enough for me. Despite all the many stacks of marking and long hours and lesson preparation, at least I know whatever I am doing is going to benefit others.

Teaching has become so much part of my life that I still want to teach and guide others. It is what I have always loved, and what I enjoy doing most. When I was in university, despite my heavy schedule, I still gave tuition to supplement my allowance. I have met many kids and their parents. Most of them are very nice parents. One mother used to cook lunch for me whenever I went to tutor her son in the afternoon. Another mother will confide in me how her children are like, and still messages me once in a while. Of course there are some very difficult parents, but that is part and parcel of life. One has to take the good and the bad. I used to help my brothers in their schoolwork. Even now, I still help my brother out in his work. Seems like once I have been a teacher, I will never get away from teaching.

I am not ruling out going back to teaching altogether. But I will not go back to the Ministry of Education. If I ever teach again, it will probably be in a private school or tuition centre or freelance tutoring, away from all the administration work and long meetings and unnecessary events in the school and inflexible system. But that will have to wait until my voice totally recovers and I have seen enough of the corporate world.


Anonymous_X said...

Hey congratz for securing 2 jobs in such a short period!

shakespeareheroine said...

Thanks! :-)

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